(Lovecraftian) Discussion group

Hello I’m interested in making a study group of people interested into the lovecraftian sprits, including sigils,path workings, experinces, and techniques they use with these entities, really anything is permitted and all are welcome,
Without further adue let us proceed!


Huh, interesting. I haven’t done much with Lovecraftian entities since my late teenage years. I have still yet to figure out over a decade later if smoking a load of synthetic weed and invoking Nyarlathotep was a brilliant or absolutely stupid idea. It didn’t kill me, so theres that.


I know many people who have had success with the spirits of the necronomicon. Whether they’re just egregores or not I guess well never know lol

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Im interested.


They are not ,but technically everything only mind can exist so in al retrospect we might actually be there though forms tbh, just a thought.

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Yea I’ve done stuff like that, glad to say I’m not dead or insane(mostly).

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I know this to be known as the black gate me and my friend astral projected there and shared some of the same gnosis. I know this to be a portal or mordiggian to get through to our realm. But who knows what else is beyond there. Credit to dragon crow for that sigil up top I’ve gotten few other sigils in variation to that.
He is my favorite all time deity and was one of the few that just kinda popped up out of nowhere.
I have great respect for him and very strange experiences.



A great book for working with Lovecraftarian deities is ‘The Faceless God’ by Dr Tomas Vincente

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I’m not knowledgeable in this area at all but I am extremely interested!

Now tracking :3


how is it?

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A must read!
Much in dept info, for example about the Egyptian roots of Nyarlathothep.
Some good rituals, great illustrations…

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Also, next to the Simon Necronomicon, ‘At The Gates…’ is a very good book too and underestimated i think.
Also check out ‘The Dark Lord’ by Peter Levenda



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Yeah he’s a very good reference for almost everything in the occult.
I even tent to beleve he’s the one who wrote the Simon Necronomicon

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Agreed. Mostly anyway. He is undoubtedly Simon. But whether or not the story Simon tells about how the book came to be is true, thats up for debate. However if you read Dead Names, the much later released companion book that goes into detail about the history, it makes a compelling argument for the truth of the story, complete with references.

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True that!
Eventhough, i found Dead Names the weaker part of the Simon Necronomicon series.
What i liked was the fact that it looked like an ode to the 60’s and 70’s occult revival which was undoubtely an amazing era.
Anyhow, even if it was Levenda or not, the books are a must read for every one who is in some way or another interested in mysticiscm and the occult.

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The Lovecraftian path was something I chased for years until I reach’d a point were I hit a wall. I took more than a simple truth to the matter for me to find them, or their proxy, Nyarlathotep and the “priest” as I he introduced himself. I have some post here with my experiences if anyone wants to check it out. I recommend Asenath Mason’s book: Necronomicon Gnosis

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Great book who in the hell is the priest, I think of him being the preist who not be named?
But idk with my experiences with hastur I can’t say I exactly trust him.

Its oin one of my posts where I visited a place called the Mountains of the Silver God, its supposedly in the same “continent” as the Labyrinth of Zin or Zynth many names over the years.


Yea the dreamlands most definitely, I was just wondering if there was a connection between the two since they both dwell in the dreamlands :slight_smile: