Love spells... When its time to stop?

Swedish Truth Serum… The Apple Lily iPad.

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After performing ritual can we retain the sigil and petition or is it absolutely necessary to burn them.I saw in one of the posts that doing so will end the communication with entity.What do you suggest.

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Yes, you should retain them until the result manifests. I only burn sigils after the spirit has completed the task.

A petition can be kept, depending on what kind of petition it is. Usually a petition is burned, as that is how the intention is sent out to the universe. However, if you have an altar dedicated to a specific spirit, then you can leave it on the altar until it manifests. An example of this is in Jason Miller’s book Strategic Sorcery where he has a “cashbox” consecrated to Jupiter, and any financial petition is kept there until it manifests, and then it is burned.

If you are combining a sigil and a petition, then I would keep them until the result comes in.


But did not e.a said that keeping More than there sigils open may cause problem, specially if they are affiliated with different elements. Basically it will bring elemental war in your living room

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Yes, and that is why I never have more than three sigils open at a time.


What if u had a situation in which you have to open one of the different demonic sigils for a different purpose other than the 3 open sigils u already had.Do we have to burn one of those 3 sigils?
What if you do not have an altar.Where do we store the sigils till your desires manifest?

No, I don’t really have an altar. I use a small table that does double duty in my magick and mundane life. I either carry an open sigil with me, or tuck it away in my magical journal, depending on the desire. If the purpose is long term, I sometimes will hide a sigil in a book that I haven’t read in a long time, and forget it is even there.

No, if you need to open another sigil, you don’t have to burn one of the three already open. The rule of three is just a guideline mainly to prevent energetic contamination and to keep your own mind clear. I have had more than three open sigils a few times, and have even carried an open angelic sigil on me into a demonic evocation without issue. The story EA tells, in Works of Darkness, was about a dabbler he knew who had opened a dozen sigils and became overwhelmed by the forces unleashed. 3 open sigils was the number EA said was the sweet spot, but it is not an iron clad rule.


Great answer.Much helpful.Ty so much😊

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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What I have learned is when you finish the ritual, it’s done. all the ashes and left overs from the ritual are no longer magical so I just throw it in the trash and move on. And I’ve gotten results. You could make it ceremonial and do something with ashes but I don’t do anything. If I burn paper or create sigils I throw them out as soon as I finish with them and just continue with daily life. It’s worked for me so I know it can work for anyone else


i usually work with sigils in my phone and the last spell i did was a petition spell using the Word 2010 so…

Toilet???you are in a big careful now

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thats ok i already solved the situation :slight_smile:

Way to go! Did you get that at an occult shop :rofl:

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Home Depot

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Well you already know your toilet is well consecrated. I know mine is :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

few weeks ago I stumbled upon a thread and I saw on the thread this particular Mantra to chant if a guy is in a room with girl and she’s reluctant to give in for sex. I think it had to do with about the guy chanting the mantra and rubbing his palm also.
I couldn’t find the thread in particular who has an idea :pleading_face:

@DarkestKnight @Odinfavored83 @succupedia @dollarvaluemenu please hop in here

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I think shd be this one

Yes thanks. I actually found it yesterday I tried but didn’t work.:broken_heart: