Love spell through the Master Key and Goddess Ishtar (Holy Shit this is incredible)

I found the book but I can only read and speak in English. :frowning:

I’ll keep trying though.
Thank you!

What do you mean by a sharp blood lancelet? Also, how do you know when a deity or entity is calling to you?

a blood lancet is a tool that people use to draw tiny amounts of blood.

In this case she came straight to me and basically said “I got what you need”.

Mina, Sorry i though u were someone i talk and was multibilingual,

Hey @Nolan_Toney …I was doing a search for Ishtar on the forum and stumbled upon your thread. Out of curiosity, how did things go with the girl you targeted?


Hey! The spell was a success but the girl turned out to be a complete bitch :sweat_smile:


A shame! Well at least you got what you asked for :wink: Though I’m curious about how she ended up coming to you after you did your working (if you dont mind)


Hey, after my experience, I’m not a fan of love spells to get a specific person. My ex turned out to be a paranoid zombie robot who drove me insane. If you have all this success in life, you know, money, sources of income etc, and other things are going your way( ie the all important self confidence and self love) , you really can have your pick of women. I mean, it would probably be better to find a woman with the qualities you are looking for rather than a specific person. Finally, people are not necessarily what they make themselves out to be, or even what it looks like at first glance. There is a lot of deception that goes on to “get a head in the social” and “play political games” etc. So, you might like a woman who presents herself a certain way, but deep down she might not be something you want at all.

Finally, about Ishtar and the goddesses/demons in that chain. Yeah, you can get exactly what you say you want, and she gives no fucks about giving it to you, but that doesn’t mean it might not just make you miserable and undermine your other life goals.


Yeah I learned that the hard way. It’s alright though, I have all the love I could ever want in the spirit realms.

@Verdo The rite was very manipulative, as controlling emotions is very, well, ignorant. I got what I wanted though. She fell for me harder than I ever thought possible, but that allowed her shadows to shine through and they were horrendous.


I believe in love spells people are not specific enough. After researching these for a while. I would say if we visualize them as static and ask for static things we get that. If we ask for happiness, joy, fun, romantic love and see them as happy and having fun with us then it impacts that result into them. Then some people can just be off anyhow and I think its not love spell issues but people issues.

Could you tell me how Semjaza is related to Ishtar? Still, it would be interesting to hear about the master key. I understand correctly that this is an amulet?

The seal came before the amulet. As for Ishtar and Shemyaza, they are business partners through other practitioners, but Ishtar isn’t part of the Watchers or anything like that.

I was, in fact, very ignorant and was using false ideology. Once I understood how energy is actually generated and controlled, I realized I don’t truly need casted magick to make things happen.

Astrally, I am very comfortable and happy with my family. Gods, goddesses, and higher profile beings in this relationship, honestly, I couldn’t be happier.

I am Morax Lagtahgrinsith, of the Lagtahgrinsith house of the Chimeric Reptilians. When I discovered this everything fell into place.

Don’t use love spells. It’s far better to learn to make yourself presentable and act in accordance to yourself. :wink:

first you doubted your magic, then you said it worked, that’s against the working nature of magic anyway, did you succeed?

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No, and that was the main problem. I definitely was not in the correct confidence to cast in any capacity. I didn’t exactly know what direction I wanted to go in. At the time, all I saw was what I wanted to see, and I guess subconsciously I thought that magick equated to miracle manifestations, which it isn’t. I worked very hard to improve my self image, and now I have no doubts when I work. In terms of mundane life, astral life, and inbetween I have definitely made leaps and bounds in regards to practicality and confidence. I had the knowledge and experience, just not the actual mental fortitude to do what I wanted to.

That’s why I removed myself from the forum and my other occult circles, as well as dissolved any pacts and pathworkings I was doing to start from scratch. Definitely learned a hell of a lot more doing that than continuing!

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