Love obsession

No, this could be a learning experience. Really. We learn through experiences AND knowledge. Gotta have both.

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This is what happens when you’re magick isn’t focused on a particular target or your intent isn’t clear.

100% agree with asking Sitri to help. I also recommend a good cleansing of yourself and your space prior. Idk if this is a general methods, but I like to use a hot salt bath with cleansing herbs like sage in the water also and meditate on cleansing any bad spirits/energy from you.

Hope that helps.


Yes it has went haywire
The target is no longer showing even a small bit of interest
I am scared incase i have ruined it now and there will be this block between us
Feeling a bit down about it

There will be a block if you continue to anticipate and fear one developing.

What exactly do you want from this fella? If you want to develop a relationship with him, then do whatever work is needed to make that happen.

If you don’t want a relationship and don’t care much for him and don’t want him, then let him go, let the thoughts of him go, move on and focus on the guy(s) worth your time and energy. Why spend energy on a guy if you don’t want him? If you do want him, then take the steps necessary to bring and keep him in your life, blocks be damned.

Enough of feeling down and depressed, focus on what you want and get it.

Good luck.


I actually do want to date this guy and progress but he has other issues in his life and it seems like it was always stagnant

Maybe i should just leave it and see what develops in next few weeks

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Between yesterday and today theres this other guy who im totally not attracted to sending obsessive messages and tried to call me saying you the lady of my dreams and how he wants to take me out.
Not sure why this guy is being this way

It could be that the other party in question is hijacking your rituals. I’d suggest binding that person immediately.

What the new person who is obsessed instead of the target?

Precisely… I’ve had the same problems before and it’s my opinion that I should never engage someone out of the need to receive their affections or attention while pursuing someone else’s just because someone else is more likely to be open with it.

Cut off all contact with one target while investigating it, because it’s possible that through consciously engaging with either or both parties keeps the soul swap scenario going on with your workings as points of contact. It’s best that you handle whichever party seems to be more of your priority to neutralize.

You might get mixed signals if your main objective is to discern which party is doing the deflecting.

So i just ignore this current guys messages and advances?

As i said before i dont want this guy, i want my target

Maybe cut the cords which keep the unwanted vampirism of your spells going on then, and yes i would certainly break contact with the other one.

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Thank you veritas
Yes certainlt bizarre that others are being very obsessive but not the target

It certainly wouldn’t appear to be that uncommon whenever there are known practitioners running amock using obsession spells within known magickal communities.

But veritas, you might benefit from a bit more levity whenever you’re expressing your opinions, wouldn’t you?

Why, yes veritas i feel that’s the truth.

There’s a little known about demonic enn that goes like this: “Hey, I feel like we share a connection or vibe of sorts. Would you like to have a drink and see where it could wind up?”

I’m only joking.

So do you advise me to totally ignore my target and not message him or like any of his posts?

Well Sapphire10, I don’t know you from Adam and Lilith, and for all I know from Eve either, and I don’t know who you’re targeting. I wouldn’t attempt to advise you on this in the blind. Those were my own experiences with love and ritual magickal materializations. Does your target know that you’re interested in something sexually romantic or does she or they feel it’s more platonic?

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Before i did this work on him.
I had done a love spell on my ex 2 years ago and while that was in the works this guy suddenly hit me up and this online thing has went on for such a long time.

Thats how it started off and he does always talk about a future etc but then he sort of backs off but as i said before he has other things going on in his life.

It’s no problem. Ex partners may make things complicated for people looking for new love interests and even many months to a year or two beyond our decisions to move on.

The important thing is to prioritize your own well-being over other people’s problems at the moment.

Magick may not only give us the power to move people, places, and things into our lives, but it may also complicate our lives if there is too much emotional baggage involved.

Maybe it’s meant to be and maybe it’s not so. Sometimes a quick step away from all the noise and confusion may help us and everyone else gather some much sought after reprieve and more importantly some greater perspective in moving forward with the next phases of pathworking our lives together. We all live in this community and it’s long overdue for some people to just let go of offenses and painful experiences and prioritize our own lives.


I agree with you there.
I remember i did lots and lots of magic on my ex and he did meet me a couple of times after it but ended up he moved on and told me to do the same but i kept holding on.

I was heartbroken then all these new people came into my life.
Since then i have moved on after all the hurt and pain . I did work with a couple of spirits and i seem to have alot more confidence than i did and now i dont care about my ex at all.

Wow. I’m going to now go ahead and share my perspective then if you feel it would benefit the OP’s subject matter?