Lord Yeesch - The Destroyer Of Parasites and Impostors From The Legions of King Paimon



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indeed,you can use it.


Thanks mate. :blush::+1:


can we make offering for him? and is it good to do a ritual for king paimon befor kuke veesch?


offerings can be used like gateways, The Best are always blood or sexual fluids since those are parts of ourselves and since we are gods then we can bring those spirits from the void.

its better to evoke veesch using the name of paimon for example:

ā€œDemonic Lord Veesch,Destroyer and consumer of parasites
i call you,i summon thee by the name of thy king Paimonā€


This is great! Iā€™m glad it popped back up recently. Iā€™ll definitely try this.

(I couldnā€™t help myself) Me: "This a parasiteā€¦ YEESCH!"


Anybody want to share successful stories with this ?


Is there a way to use this generally while Iā€™m working with Paimon?

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@Xag_darklight hey brother its too funny I came across this post today because I finally manged to find a rock for a the proper vessel for this entity ā€¦which not only has what was needed but in my.mibd somewhat resembled a sphinx before summoning him to inhabit his essence within the idolā€¦ about 30 seconds after I finished the rite I could feel him enter my body and aost growl with satisfaction and hunger and even heard him speaking to me as he devoured a monster of a parasite around my belly area where my sacral 3nergy is housedā€¦ I think heentions that through my addiction and abuse the one attached itself there and remained unnoticed by me ubtill nowā€¦
I felt like I had a 25 pound plate removed from my lower abdomenā€¦am extremely grateful for Veesch and house the idol near my temple entrance and plan to give offerings and continued work .
Major appreciation for gifting me the text to provide myself with a spirit asset like this.
Hail Veech!
Hail Takkalos.
Hail the infernal


Just did @mxa . Xag always has killer contentā€¦one of my go to sources on here ā€¦but my path is my ownā€¦do it for yourself and u shall experience the same im sure.


Thank you so much for making this. Yeesch is very quick to respond. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I work frequently with King Paimon but lately our communication has been muddled and interrupted by parasites and imposters and Iā€™ve been horribly drained lately. This should help very much.


Do i need a full ritual to call upon yeesch? I cant set up a ritual at the moment but i need to remove something parasitical, would it be disrespectful to him to just open his sigil and chant his invocation? Would he still assist me?

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I imagine heā€™d answer since you have an immediate need and itā€™s directly in the realm of his influence and abilities.

After the situation is resolved you might make a more formal contact as a part of thanking him for his assistance.

Think of it this way:
If it was a policemen on the street, would you have to call the cops before he assists you? No, you just call him over for help (if itā€™s urgent, he should just come right to your aid). Afterward you might have to fill out a statement about what transpired.


Very helpful. Thankyou Arachnos.

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When I worked with Yeesch, I simply gazed at his sigil and spoke the chant to summon any entity. (Etsel Malaā€™kelā€¦) He showed up and instructed me to visualize my end result. He worked with my imagination, and I saw a bunch of gunk fall off and away from me.


@Xag_darklight Would an obsidian obelisk or a jagged obsidian rock be best for a vessel for veench?

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yes it would be good.


Hey @Matthew1 ā€¦ if your looking for a legit vessel for himā€¦invoke him from a light trance state with intentions to be guided internally and allow Yeesch to choose his own vessel from nature or even a store with polished stone but just allow yeesch to sit backseat temporarily and thru actions and seridiputous guiding from a higher dimensional beingā€¦will no doubt draw and pull you towards the exact vessel this spirit wants his energy housed inā€¦( this happened by accident . Happy accident where a series of events drew me to a black rock smooth like finished cement in almost the exact shape of a Sphinxā€¦or similar in shape and magnitude of presenceā€¦
I was instructed wisely from @Xag_darklight and his written work . Which has been more than potentā€¦as well as little surprises of aidā€¦I.Eā€¦ as I wrote this . I heard clairaudiently the instruction to invoke him ( with a clean aura if possible to show respect and mutual understanding of situation) came from the vessel which is almost 11 feet away from me I the north east corner next to my ALTARAMAX idol of King paimons legions( from where yeesch hails from).
Regardless. Good luck and I highly recommend working with these legions of King Paimon, given the chance.


@Rory_Mclellan and @Xag_darklight youā€™re awesome

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@Rory_Mclellan thankyou!

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