Looking for more intense methods to open my third eye

Keep in mind, when I was doing these exercises I didn’t even know if what I was doing was even fucking real.

I was sacrificing time I didn’t know was going anywhere I didn’t have a lot of it. I could have spent it having fun or with family, so I had to make an actual will to keep at it.

Big part of your problem right there. I t like saying, “I was practicing archery, but wasn’t with sure if my arrows were really arrows”… They might have just been dowel rods from home depot…


I get it can get boring, trust me. If you were around a year ago you’d know probably I used to meditate for 10+ hours a day. Every. Day. But I had a goal and I was willing to sacrifice. Take it as an advice if you like: What works for someone might not work for someone else the same. if you found a way that helps you towards your goal, keep up with it and maybe try to do slight changes to go a step further. Don’t give up and try to find quick fixes or you might lose what you got and then it will be really hard to go back where you were.


Well, if the arrows were invisible and there was no proof you could see them, yeah, you had to suspend your fuckign disbelief. Why would you believe something you’re never experienced?

Bruv, calm down, no one’s having an argument here.
Maybe you’re frustrated, everybody gets that at some point. But you gotta deal with it and chill.


I don’t have 10+ hours a day to sacrifice. I was sacrificing four when I didn’t even know if I was doing the right thing. Four is a lot for me. I have ten hours a day spent on work, eight hours for sleep, leaving me with (functionally) six hours for everything else. I was spending four.

She "dear"ed me. She suggested I was expected immediate results, she outright said that I thought one exercise would make it all happen.

She insulted me personally in a very disgusting way.

Welcome to the LHP

Don’t take it as an insult tho, You’re allowing your emotions to view it like that, I’m sure @Anassa didn’t mean to be rude


“Welcome to…”

This shit. I have five days of read time here, you are adding nothing to this convo,


I’m just asking you to calm down

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When has it EVER worked when you ask someone to calm down? You’re just telling them the reason they’re upset is invalid.

I am not saying things nearly as pissy as I want to.

Are you for real…? Whatever, my bad for bothering with your posts.


Well you can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bull’s ass but wouldn’t you just rather take the butcher’s word for it?
I’ve never experienced a heart attack and never watched a heart stop functioning properly but I’ve heard from enough sources that it’s an unpleasant experience to believe that it exists as a real medical condition.


Let me put it this way. There was no concrete proof, by ANYONE, that they were specializing in anything real. IT’s not “butcher”. Butchers have been a part of society on it’s front face for AGES, and people literally live off of it.

Magick was, to me, proofless. I could only just suspend disbelief because these people weren’t butchers, they were random ass people with no credentials from anyone outside their community and no proof.

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Just chiming in for “I second this”. This shit is really really unpleasant and I would rather not.
There it is: validation.

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It’s nobody else’s responsibility to tiptoe around your emotional state of frustration or walk on eggshells for you simply because you are having a temper tantrum. We understand that you are upset and irritated by your lack of results. So what you should do is go eat a cheese cake and take a load off, come back when you feel better.


You just completely avoided my last point.

I never said it was anyone’s responsibility to not be a dick, but you can’t tell me you aren’ trying to belittle me when you say shit like

Don’t pretend you aren’t. You’re just being vile. At least own up to it.

Excuse me?!
OK well “this stuff” has been around since the dawn of time, and if you ask any other cultures outside of the atheistic western society that has only existed for the last 100 years you will be laughed at out of the room.k