Looking for ideas

I’ve got several ideas in the works, but none of them are things I feel I should do at this time. I’ve been focusing on improving my sight and senses for the last while, and my last evocation, while fine, didn’t help me all that much (the entity arrived, then told me it would rather not work with me)…

So I’m trying to find ideas that aren’t super edgy or gonna hurt someone undeserving…

I want to do something more overt, in the sense that I want to do a big working instead of just crafting a sigil/talisman or doing some meditative/mental stuff. Really, I just want a goal, as so far I’ve just been focusing on the experience of the occult…

So does anybody have any ideas that they would be willing to share?

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I would suggest aiming for a big personal goal that would take some time. For example this coming year for me is going to be partly focused on erasing the debt that is not enriching my life and acquiring assets. Considering i have a lil over 20 grand in debt to deal with from school loans and a broken lease due to bad roommate choices it is a hell of a target.

If i manage to wipe it in 12-18 months and still have a fun and profitable year, i’d consider it some potent magick.

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The problem is that I am having difficulty coming up with a big personal goal…

That’s my biggest problem, I have a hard time setting goals for myself, often relying on things I hear about, are told about, or find to point me in the right direction. I mean, I had one big idea that never panned out that I could re-work, but it’s just a big mess of things to figure out and not worth the effort at this time…

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Then figure out what you want. How you want your life to be.

I have my main targets and all my other goals help lead me to it. In my case being able to activly explore the arts that interest me and find out their practical applications in magick. These being the arts of working with metal,stone, wood, glass, gems ect.

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How do you want to improve yourself with magic?

For me I joined the occult because I thought someone was cursing me up and I felt like I wasn’t having enough fulfillment in my life. I defended against the curse and cursed them back, and after that I decided to become more knowledgeable in magic generally so I can use it to become the best person I can possibly be and make a decent life for myself about 15-20 years from now. Basically I want to get a degree from a specific university, move overseas and have a career that pays me enough to handle expenses while having time to work on writing for additional income by the time I’m in my mid/late 30s or early 40s. (I’ll be 20 next year so for me this is a doable goal with a relaxed time-frame)

I suggest you take time thinking about how you would realistically change your life in x amount of time while not being too specific and then deciding from there what kind of knowledge you need and actions to take (both magical and mundane) to achieve those changes. If it takes longer than a year or you don’t have a specific time-frame then I’d suggest asking what baby steps you should take to build to your goal for change.