Looking for an expert

Hey guys. I am looking for an expert to solve a problem of mine. There’s a stuck spirit or energy in my life, and it’s pretty strong. It has some prowess in influencing my personal life or career, so I have to take this issue seriously. I can’t seem to knock out this spirit/energy manually, so I want to seek some guy who can do a ritual for me and get this done.

Do y’all know of any experts that can get rid of spirits/energy? Thanks.

Hi @kin420 I can see you joined the forum quite a while ago. You’re going to have to introduce yourself here first or you won’t get much of a response.

You are welcome here but you do need to do an intro. Just click on the link below and click the reply button :slightly_smiling_face:


Start practicing daily performing LBRP and meditate the hebrew God’s name.

I just did so. Thanks.


what’s the hebrew god’s name, are you talking about source’s hebrew name? or …

Like YHVH, Adonai, Elohim etc.

would you like me to help you ? (ofcourse for free)


That would be cool. How do I contact you?

I’m no expert myself (I’d offer my help if that was the case), but I’d personally recommend you read ‘Magickal Protection’ by Damon Brand, the rituals contained in that book are quite easy to learn and perform (and might solve your problem).

The Sword Banishing ritual (contained in that book) saved me from “something” that was repeatedly trying to suffocate me while asleep (a couple years ago).


I’ll pm you