Looking for a spirit or spell to aid in writing lyrics into success for my label

I have had some writers block recently and am a upcoming musician that has
Started his own music recording label(hip-hop)
Anything that can aid in my pursuit for fame and lyrical genius.
Also i want to be able to visualize things in my minds eye…as if seeing pictures…this would aid my progress in all aspects of my success. If there is anything i can do in bringing this forth??
&Thanks to all my fellows: /

Azazel inspires words, Buné (Bim) gives eloquence (words, poetry) and Amdusias inspires music. Amdusias is the best spirit for musicians.

The Joy of Satan website has tons of meditations available. I do not recommend joining that organization as it promotes Nazi beliefs, but it’s practical to all that info all in one place.

Very good Hindu mantras that help with visualization:
[url=http://www.agasthiar.org/AUMzine/0003-rn.htm#wish]Siddha Mantras for Lord Shri Ram - Sri Rama Navami - Rama Nama Ramachandra Namaskar worship procedure. Agasthiar.Org

Uuh joy of satan, thats where the all started for me. Still don’t know did the dedicate your soul ritual work or not and its been… 8 years at least.

Shame that there are no such cults in my country, at least for my knowledge - so much rhp stuff only… But hey, i can form my own - even if it includes only me :smiley:

Although even if i did believe that then, i’m not sure anymore if Enki and Satan/Lucifer are the same.

There are a number of gods and spirits dedicated to it. Apollo, the Muses, in fact, most Greek gods are wonderful at inspiring for music. I guess you might want to choose a deity based on what you want the music to be about. Aphrodite for a love song, Dionysus for wild and deep music, etc.