Loki show and Timekeepers - [Timekeepers = Archons?]

It probably a paradigm thing. I am a chaos magician. I lament the fact that I can barely find like minded people, even on here.

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So question…
I’ve dabbled with chaos because I believe it’s necessary to ascend, grow and maintain balance, (partly why I find myself growing fond of it in story’s settings and media… often siding with villains or antiheros more so than heros because I feel I can relate and identify with them better. Ie: maleficent, Godzilla, the Darkside of the force, or the ancient one using dark magic in Dr strange even.)

But what makes a chaos magician a chaos magician? Is it using it excessively or soley? Or just preferring chaos over orderly magic?

In chaos magic, soundness is context dependent, and context is the set of objects being invoked or embodied by a concept. So what makes a chaos magic what it is, is the ability to change the context explicitly and our lack of reliance on supernature.


Despite the name, so-called “Chaos Magic” isnt really about “CHAOS™”.

If it’s “chaotic”, that really comes from it’s unorthodoxy and the willingness to adopt and drop paradigms at will. Among other things.

Thus the phrase “nothing is true, everything is permitted”.

You might check out one of these books:

The rune soup site is a good resource and a lot of his stuff is in “The chaos protocols”


This is Perfect!!! Totally ordering. And this is a great reference for anyone else that happens across our thread as well!!! Thank you so much

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Just out of interest, how did you kill the archon parasites?

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Heal trauma , sound frequencies on YouTube

I thought so. The spirits I work with told me to keep healing mine in order to be rid of the archon parasite. So I’ve been doing that.


I’ve come to the conclusion that trauma creates wounds for them to feed from like the poke at your insecurities and wounds for some kind of high

They weren’t a big deal in the comics. This version of earth and its timeline is crap.

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Hi dude as your talking about loki show can i ask about mystic art magic which they use in doctor strange i have a few research and they said mystic art magic was real but it so hard to search about it there only a few of it if u have any idea about it can you plz share me i want to know if that was real or not.In my research they said they draw energy from other dimension to use magic spell.

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I’m glad you asked

The music arts is basically Understanding how life is made from five elements purifying it and using the cycle in such a way to sit your needs.
It s basically what we call tantra and it is a science behind spirituality. Those who master it become divine not only inside but outside to. Everything is vibrations, or frequency or energy. Set your vibration or frequency to what you want to achieve and you will have no choice but to become it.
If we take this a step further and apply modern alchemy to it we can go crazy with the periodic table of elements, anions vs cations, why certain elements want to give electrons and why some don’t, and how they all orbit eachother like miniature solar systems
As above so below, as within do without and as I believe the world to be so it is.


I’m pretty sure the new Spider-Man will drop some new hints, ‘No Way Home’, as thingy-whatshis… Dr Strange pops is in there too.

But then, the question rises, if they, the archons, chimeras are really up against powerful enemies, why would they drop any hints in movies, or ‘soft disclosure’? All I could think about, if I were to be such an entity, is to have people think exactly that, by means of planting these things in such a manner, that would cause such an effect…

But I’m not one of them… :wink:

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*mystic lol not music
Silly autocorrect

Another thought I had was all the different timelines. I like to think on our reality that we switch timelines by changing our selfimage or identity thus changing the direction goals desires of our lives.

I believe that Loki even called them the ‘space lizards’ or something. Pretty wild.

I like to think on our reality that we switch timelines by changing our selfimage or identity

Yes sir, we change timelines all the time. Any time you override default mode network you’re changing up the narrative. :sunglasses:

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