i’ve known this guy (H.) for 2 months. he is 31 years old freelancer, unrestrained by dealings of the matrix. he works for a little while, then he takes a break and goes to meditate… or such stuff. he wanted music lessons, he came into my apartment, saw my books and crystals, we started talking, and we clicked instantly.
so we started to hang out, talk, exchange ideas, meditate
he is experienced in soul travel, he does it for the last 12 years, as he is next living master of ECKANKAR, Mahanta.
he has frequent soul travel experiences, meeting with other ECK masters, namely Mahanta, Rebazar Tarz, Fubbi Quantz, Peddar Zasq and others.
so he says, and i believe.
he is the chosen one, like Neo, he should go to the temple of Eckankar in America, in Minneapolis. but in his almost horrific background childhood story, there is his evil father. step - father, who is actually a draconic lord (most likely unconcious of his true nature), but in reality, a twisted sadistic paedofilic scumbag. and this stepfather led to H. having schizophrenia, so that he was under treatment many times.
he writes a big book that would expose so many of the city’s corrupted people in politics, and in the same time open the eyes of general population.
he is the chosen one. and before he leaves for the temple in America, he has work to do. to plant a seed of new world order, as planned by great spiritual forces, by the power of SUGMAD (god)
so he says… and i… eeeee… ok. let’s play.
so i invited him to come to live with me, since he has such bad situation at home, and he has great plans for the city, he is lucid, intelligent, full of ideas…
he lives pretty clean, we had a period of fasting, all the time talking about spirituality and doing practical work.
to make a long story short, last few days his behaviour changed, he talks randomly, i can’t have a linear conversation with him.
so after 5 days of me feeling uncomfortable with him, and other people saying that he got worse, today i packed him and drove him to psychiatric hospital, where he is well known.
so he is there now, under the protection of the state. and midly sedated.
we made my apartmant into a mini ECK temple, full of light.
but i was paying much more attention to my dark temple, working with lessons from O.A.A.
and i think this kept me sane.
could he be the next living ECK master…
or is this a typical disorder — like messiah complex?
few weeks ago he had a great experience in my apartment where he says he connected with CHRIS consciousness…
… man… shit’s fucked up