Literal Miracle - could not be happier

If you look up my past comments, you can see I am chronically ill. Recently I was feeling so ill that I was considering suicide, as I believed I would be stuck at home forever which honestly wasn’t far off. Both my lungs and brains were (and honestly, still kinda are but I’m getting better) fucked up, any doctor who saw my X-rays thought I had TB; that’s how bad my lungs looked. I could not breathe well, my nose was always blocked, my allergies were so severe I was hospitalized. On top of all that I have MS which was not acting very stellar. My right hand was borderline unusable, my vision was fucked up and I constantly saw double, and the mental effects like depression were there. I was on antidepressants and MS meds. I was on immunosurpressants which made me get sick all the time which bound me to home. No boyfriend, best friend left the town, an aunt who was close died- felt like life was over.

I evoked the archangels + Lucifer along with my daily prayers to Santa Muerte. Told them what was going on. I cried and cried. Even told Santa Muerte to take my useless life already.

The next days? I am significantly healthier.

My mental health has gotten so much better that I am off antidepressants yet I feel so much better. My grief for my aunt has turned into acceptance and bliss, knowing she is happy and no longer in pain. I stopped grieving over my lack of a relationship and am very happy being single. Got over my exes.

My vision is almost fully fixed. Obvs I still use my glasses but my double vision is gone. My right hand is very good and back to normal. I get sick way less frequently and feel healthier. MS fatigue, while still there, affects me less.

Idk whose doing is this but I can’t thank the spirits enough. I think I found my path, which is working with angels. I feel so much more at peace.


I am beyond happy for you. You have many Gods that care for you. I hope you continue to feel even better.


Thank you.

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Who did you work with and congrats

The archangels. I am learning about the Enochian too

Yeah but which😅


Mainly the 4 archangels, but I sometimes worked with Haniel too.