Now I had reached the third month of pathworking with this great being that we call beleth. I would normally stopped and moved towards king Vine but since I saw real powerful results with Beleth, I had chosen to prolong my pathworkings with the demonic kings to six months each. I wrote this litany with a good bit of knowledge of Beleth but more as gratitude towards her.
The Litany
*"Oh spirit of darkness who is known as Beleth, hear me
Oh dark shining one, one who is named Beleth’El awaken. Your quintessence is now forever awakened within me.
Black river that flows into this realm now, rise as beleth. Stream of blackness that was named by the man of old as Baalat-Gebal, Aphrodite of Cyprus and Belatu, Belili, Atargatis and Quadesh.
Beleth’El, stream of blackness who taken forms to the man of old hear me.
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
I call you Baalat-gebal, lady of byblos
I call thee balaat-gebal, lady and goddess of love
Oh stream of blackness who taken the form of balaat gebal, thou art beleth
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
I call you Belatu, goddess of love and consort of dagon whom together created hadad. Hear me baalat, hear me Beltu, hear me Belili. Spirit of darkness, dark shining one who possess the love of man, who wears the face of love.
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
Dark shining one, who possess the face of love to make contact with us the humankind. It is Berith- Bal’berith who bears your word, so my words shall be known to him for I call you beleth into my soul, body,mind and bones now.
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
Atargatis, Quadesh
Lady of the land of Kemet, I call you. Mistress of love and war I call these for I known your true name. Beleth’El, the possessing one.
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
I know of a fierce king who rules his kingdom with an iron fist, this King is known as Baysul. Baysul, spirit of darkness I call you forth. I breath the venomous breath of the prince of darkness, in so doing my breath connects with the pathways of the serpent’s sight and the tunnel of darkness, in so doing I know the darkness beneath the stars.
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
I know the darkness beneath Beltu, I know the darkness beneath Baalat-gebal, I know the darkness beneath the Aphrodite of Cyprus.
In my serpent’s sight, I see the Star of shimmering darkness as I draw forth, beleth-Baysul.
I know the darkness beneath Belili, I know the darkness beneath Quadesh and Atargatis.
I am the awakener and the welder of the sight that draws you forth oh great Beleth, Beleth’el
I am the eye of the storm, the stillness of the cold, the foreseeable destruction. I shall remain when nothing remains, beyond the Aeons, beyond the Neheh. Atoll’Atolla
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
In the storms of Baysul-Amurru, the knight and the demon king, I am the core, the eye of the Storm so I am the Knower of Beleth-Belet-Bilet.
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
Shimmering darkness, in my tunnel, appear!
Beleth’El, spirit of chaos and possessing one for I shall know you beyond the infernal empire-stream of blackness for I have sight of a foreseeable dissolution. In that dissolution I remain for I exist here and now. Baysul-Beleth-Veletini, Demonic royalty who command over the storm weilders, The Manufacturers of war, The knowers of stars.
Baysul-Beleth-Veletini, I call your strongest of field marshals who are Sekhnioz, the invading one and
Nephell-Sepall-Supullu who destroys all that is.
Tashsan jhehenti sul atiz Beleth’el
Beleth’El kama Beleth kala beleth’el kama kala ven
Gatekeepers of the demonic king Beleth-Baysul, Gatekeepers of the demonic Queen who is red Cloaked Veletini, awnser me spirits of Chaos, spirits of chaos who command the armies. Fill my space with the Field marshals who you deem necessary for my Ascend. Fill my body,soul and mind with a storm of spiritual darkness as I am the negative substance, the eye of the storm that remains in the center. I call to you Sekhnioz and Nephell."*
Beltu, baalat gebal, Belili: names of beleth when she was originally worshiped as a love goddess , mesopotamian and middle eastern in nature.
Baysul: the aspect that feels more male, this name is from the book of angels and is ruled by king harthan rather than amaymon which is commonly attributed the cardinal ruler.
Atargatis, the greek adaptation of Baalat-gebal
Quadesh, the Egyptian adaptation of Baalat-gebal
Aphrodite of Cyprus, the Cypriot adaption of Baalat-gebal
Berith: said to be a messenger of beleth.
Sekhnioz and Nephell: two of the most powerful spirits of beleth.
Atoll’Atolla, the void that will remain after the aeon and the aeons. It is the gap between the breath of the aeons let’s say.
“Spirit of darkness/Chaos possessing the goddess” yes this is my upg claim but believe spirits are much greater than the masks we given them.
Veletini. I experienced an female aspect of beleth that was cloaked in red, I asked her if I can have a name for that specific aspect.
Storm weilders. The magician house of the legions of Beleth
Manufacturers of war. The warrior of the legions
Knowers of stars. The informers.