Listening to "prophecies"

I ride motorcycles. My parents and friends have been warning me of its dangers. I have crashed before (and I had a vision of it beforehand). I’m having bad feelings again, but don’t know if it’s just because they have planted thoughts into my head. I generally have accurate premonitions. Any thoughts?

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I would say to listen to your thoughts. They’re most likely there for a reason.

Edit: emotions not thought


I wouldn’t call it a prophecy, because in a Greek context that equates to inevitablity. Foresight, certainly. If something is telling you not to go out biking now, don’t go. It’s probably for the best. If it starts to become an obsession, that’s a sign it might be from your mind/negative emotions and not any outer force telling you to avoid something.


I usually get such signs in my dreams . Its validity is usually for next 72 hours . If in my dream I see the shit is inbound , so I follow the golden rule . Follow my dream without a doubt and dug in and wait for 72 hours to pass .

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I agree with the above, trust your intuition on this, many thimes I ignored things like this and regretted it, the same for people I know… and then the times I paid attention have saved my life, no exaggeration there.

What more do you need? :wink:


If there’s anything I’ve learned since I got into the occult is to always heed these gut feelings and urges because they are almost always correct.


My one just came to pass, The Orionic Meteor Shower LOL! weird shit lol


I have had a type of ‘’’ feeling ‘’’ that is not feelings or emotions but it always comes to pass.
I tell myself to remember the ‘last thought’ I had before the feeling or 6th sense occurred.