List of rituals for love/lust

Hello peops,

So I came up with a idea a couple days ago. Basically, I wanted to create different threads for lists of rituals for specific goals. For example, this thread would be about love/lust, members on the forum could post instructions to rites exactly for that purpose, or perhaps make another thread, but link it here.

I asked @Lady_Eva about this idea, and she said it’ll really help beginners and just overall members on the forum. Hope you guys can contribute. I’ll make the other threads later.

This exact thread would only contain different practices for love and lust. For example: get an ex back, attract sexual partners, love spells, how to create a lustful aura etc.

Thank you all!!

Thread for spiritual ascension:


Some spirits to increase sexual magnetism. Layilel, Qalilitu, Sitri, Gargophias, Lilith, Ornias, etc. You can invoke these spirits and tell them to increase your sexual magnetism, you’d might have to invoke them for a couple days in a row, if thats what they ask of you to do, everyones different.

Another spirit that has really helped for making you look super attractive to girls would have to be Sargatans. Gives great advice this guy. Some success stories:


An easy spell is to write your name in 6 rows on a piece of paper.
Write the targets name vertically crossing your name also in 6 rows, like a # pattern.
Now place a red candle on the paper. I dress it with rose or sandalwood.
Let the candle burn down and let the wax melt onto the paper.
If you dont wanna wait for the candle to melt you can just burn the piece of paper, but the candle method has worked way better for me. When I do this I believe in burning the piece of paper before it hits the ground. For some reason this is important to me.

Try it out. You can add runes or incantations with this. I use runes gebo, kenatz, wunjo, but I do not use words of power other than their names.

The spell works to give you an opportunity with the person. Its worked for me everytime. Tho ive never shared it before, I found the basic spell a couple years ago


I didn’t quite understand that part.
I got the part where you either let the candle melt all the way or burn the paper but where does ”burning the piece of paper before it hits the ground” part go in?

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Its probably just a superstition of mine but when I cast spells that involve burning paper I hold the paper until its almost burnt and then drop release it or I burn it in a dish.

I started doing this when I first started out, doing tbis like petitions. And I later started doing it with runes.


Here we go again…

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@Reptilian why do some spirits have to be invoked a couple days in a row? Is it to show that we’re serious? Or?

Also, can you recommend angels that can increase sexual magnetism?


It honestly depends on you, sometimes the spirits only ask to be invoked once, sometimes they’ll ask to be invoked for 7 days in a row. It depends on you.


Not that familiar with angels that increase sexual magnetism honestly

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I don’t really think there are any

Do you have any experience with Sargatans yourself?



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Anael (the Joy of God). Aaron Leitch put his Anael working and altar here.


maybe you can explain it here.

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I don’t worship, a lot of us don’t worship.

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Done, it’s opened again now. :+1:

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do I must Sargatanas call for a couple days in a row ( as are Layilel, Qalilitu, Sitri, Gargophias, Lilith, Ornias ) ? Or can I call Sargatans once - one day and is it enough ?

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Beauty magick takes time
Find a spirt and work with it often