Link between sex and power

Hey guys!

So these last few weeks I’ve been experiencing a giant uptick in my sex drive for like no reason. Partners are not really all that difficult for me to come by. I’ve had like about a dozen partners; couple ménage a trois’s, hook ups etc. but the main thing I’ve noticed is that it’s gone hand in hand with this incredible amount of power that’s being unleashed within me.

I’ve done two spells and both took immediate effect. One was a banishing of some assholes that were fucking with a friend, returning their negativity to sender. This person reported to me today that shit has already improved; her work life is on the uptick, she’s not feeling them hanging around, and just generally feeling better.

The other one was a gift of an amber necklace I’ve worn for about a year along my moldavite pendant (Which I basically never take off, it’s part of me and have worn for about a year straight.) He wore the amber for seven days straight and it cleared the bad juju that was dragging him down. I’ve noticed since he gave it back to me he’s much more serene and just generally more amicable.

So my question for you folks is, is there a link between sex drive and libido with magic? Is this a sign of new found spiritual growth? I feel like something big is approaching, some type of drastic and radical change in my life and my energy is rising to the occasion. I’ve also witnessed an uptick in deja vu experiences. I don’t know what this radical change will be, but it feels like I’m being prepared for something.

Anyway, I’d appreciate your thoughts and feedback.

P.S. i apologize to the mods if I’ve misplaced this thread in the wrong category, have mercy! :rofl:

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read mantak chia’s books

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Any specific one you have in mind?

You should chat with Lilith.

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Yep. Sex magick in particular can be used to empower rituals and other spells. This is due to the energy produced by sexual arousal. It’s pretty potent stuff.


Yes, massively so, sex is desire and desire is the force that creates all things.

Use it wisely, find your groove, and occasionally try out things that may feel alien to you (ranging from celibacy to kink stuff that’s opposite of what you’re really into), that will help you avoid getting trapped in stagnation or embracing some dogma. Remember belief (of any kind) is a thing we choose, as magicians, not a thing we serve.



Thank you all for your replies!!! I’m excited to see what the transformation ends up being!

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Yeah, it’s funny you mention that. I was watching a documentary on the interpretation and portrayal of Lucifer/Satan and Lilith and how it’s always the deities who give humanity knowledge that are celestially punished.

Like, Eve ate from the tree of knowledge to gain knowledge. She didn’t want to be infantalized by Yahweh in Eden and with that knowledge they were cast out and created civilization. Lilith refused to bow to Adam as she believed women were not inferior to men. Lucifer himself was cast out of Heaven for giving humanity “light” or knowledge/wisdom.

Prometheus was punished for giving knowledge of fire to mankind and punished by Zeus and tortured by ethon. It just seems that every time a rogue deity tries to help us they get totally fucked and labeled a “corruptor.”

Anyway, it was an interesting documentary. It’s just funny you mentioned Lilith :rofl:

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I say things for a reason :wink:

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Hey guys, little bit of an update.

Last night was the eclipse in Cancer over South America and I happened to have this wonderfully joyous dream of slaying something, it felt like an attack but it was dealt with swiftly and… well, nonchalantly.

I was in this village visiting family on the other side of the world, it looked like a typical colonial New England maritime settlement that was blanketed in this wonderfully calming fog. There were candle lit street lights on the dirt and rocky roads. The houses were substantially spaced apart and they were colored in the old school New England coloring of deep-matted colors like, deep navy, deep red, black, or ocher. It was nice, and really calming to be there.I get to my siblings house and I get let in and we start talking, shooting the shit. My nieces and nephews are playing while my inlaw is in the kitchen making tea when all of a sudden I hear the shriek of the goddamn damned coming from outside the house.

We all go running outside and this big Samoan dude comes running up to me telling me to get back inside, that the spirit is coming to attack. I ask him for more info and he says its a Maori spirit that prays on the village.

I blink and just kind of shrug it off and go back inside. That’s when shit get’s almost comically scary. And I mean comical, I wasn’t in the least bit perturbed by this thing. So, finally, it manifests itself inside my siblings home and this shit is just nasty. It’s about 5’8, impish, green decomposing skin, wild hair, presumably male-aligned, tri-formed feet, long claws with sharp nails. It lunges and it tries to attack us. My in law swats it out of the way, I try to use dream magic to vaporize it but for some reason my powers were blocked in the dream. I grab this sword hanging on the wall and get into a fight with this impy thing, we’re going at it pretty hard and eventually I disembowel the bugger and all these rotting organs come pouring out onto the ground. But for some reason, that didn’t kill it and all it did was scoop out the rest of it’s organs and started attacking harder. It broke the sword and tackled me. My in law came running over and kicked it off me and tossed me a dive knife.

I proceeded to stab this thing repeatedly in the eye until it died, dragged it outside, and then waved my hand over it and it erupted into flames.

The best part is, when I woke up to my alarm I wasn’t even remotely perturbed or disturbed by this dream. I literally woke up, grunted and yawned, rolled over and went back to sleep for fifteen minutes.

I was wondering if anyone would like to try their hand at interpreting this given the lens of the original post. I know there’s some sort of link between that entity and what I’ve been experiencing (bolstered sex drive, increase in power.) I have also been in the process of planning a pretty vicious curse. I think may be I caught someones attention?

Anyway, your input and feedback would be much appreciated!

As always, thank you!

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That’s hot.

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A little kink never harmed anyone… except the impy thing.

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Alright, hate to beat a dead thread here but because I have so much posted here already I’m gonna go ahead and do so. If the mod gods decide this needs to be a separate thread please don’t hesitate to split it off :+1:t2:.

So there’s been some strange things going on. Firstly, since that dream of fighting that zombie demon impy thing, I crossed paths with a dead black cat on my walk home from a particularly grueling day at work. I was sad the cat was dead but like, I knew it wasn’t a coincidence. I once did a prayer to Gaea many years ago only to see a dead rabbit laid out before me on my walk home from the woods. A hand squeezed my shoulder and said “You’re alright, everything will be fine.” Dead animals coming up in my personal interactions with deities are not uncommon. Randomly, the other night a guy hit me up on one of those gay apps and invited me to his farm. I went, and lo and behold he had a black cat that bore the name of Lilith. Edit: As mentioned in the original name of this thread, my sex drive is still overcharged. I think these things are all linked.

I did a card reading and it’s a clear indicator that a feminine sort of energy is adamantly trying to get my attention. The dream was a test, the dead cat an attention grabber, and the living cat on the farm was clearly “HEY ASSHAT PICK UP THE PHONE” kind of moment.

I’ve read that gay men are often associated with Lilith. A few weeks ago, just before I moved out there was this incredible energy in my apartment that actually made me somewhat disoriented, it became present after a ritual. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it at the time but that experience was an eye opener. I was thinking of contacting her tonight and I was wondering what to get her as an offering and dark chocolate popped into my brain.

Any thoughts on this?