
Anyone know what kind of devotion she likes. I really want to get to know her better and more intimately. @Lady_Eva @Purple @Sha @Narsonix @succupedia

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She really seems to like when you make things for and with her, especially relating to her aspects or areas of expertise. I plan to eventually make a perfume with her, to boost confidence and work some seductive glamour in there.


You should have added @succupedia to your grouping, @dagar. He is married to Her, after all :slight_smile:


Done :heart:️:heart:️

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If you truly want to know her, you shouldn’t listen to what anyone else have to say about her or what she likes because she will most likely reflect that to you.

Just let her be the one she wants to be when she interacts with you, because the Lilith I’m with doesn’t use the masks she’s often known to have when most magicians call upon her.

There’s devotion in honesty and love, and you can get a lot just by using that with her. Ah, the rewards of truthfulness is more than plenty. :blush: