Lilith, Ishtar, or Both?

Same they are the same Inanna is the woman Lilith being her hand is her spirit. This is how she calls us watches ya makes us better for twin flame I believe it’s a shaping of sorts. The hand or soul of our twin flame watches us we watch them. Masculine Balancing within them of sorts shaping them to fit our mold. Maybe I’m wrong, in my life I’m right. Hotep Anat look at Anat-Bethel in regards to being Anat/Astarte same as Inanna/Ishtar. Different culture and names same beings. To me.

Nepthys/Isis same, first marriage Osiris/Set same Osiris meaning”fertile land”. Second Marriage I believe is Begining of “Atenism” first instance of a jealous god some say. Set Killed a God? No he killed Many destroying temples in 14 Cities and erecting new ones to Aten. Maybe this Applies I know it does to me again :joy:

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Yes you’re right of course, I meant BC, not AD.

Inanna’s cult actually survives to this day in both Hinduism and Buddhism, as part of Tantra and Shaktism. Durga and Tara were both largely based on Inanna as her cult spread east and the sacred prostitution thing still remains intact.

Sex Magick, as we understand it in the West was also largely a re-import from Eastern Traditions, not least by Aleister Crowley, but I must say it is often heavily misunderstood.

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Nephthys is thought to be a later form of Neith, Aset and Serqet are thought to be the same as well, but also Serqet is thought to be a aspect of Aset, but the idea of Nephthtys and Aset being the same is doesn’t work. Set and Osiris held no issue, the death of Osiris from Set is a later mythology as well, but at the same time Osiris death was also seen as his need to transition from a god of fertility to ruler of the underworld. So it was more symbolic.

Good point. I’m a Shakta and I find that there is really only one Goddess, in many forms. To her, taking on different forms with different names and attributes is akin to a woman changing clothes and putting on makeup every day. It causes her pleasure to take on all these different forms, but fundamentally, the person behind it is the same.

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Yeah I try to avoid stepping on people’s religions, I know many wiccans believe that there’s one goddess with many names and one God with many names so I stay clear of it atleast recently learned.


I think it’s unavoidable. People think they have the one true version of the Goddess, whether it is the Virgin Mary, Tara or what have you, but they often fail to see the commonalities and the connecting tissue between them.

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I am polytheistic, so for me it’s easily avoidable. I form my beliefs around my experiences and as I’ve come to experience many gods and goddesses I cannot force them all to simply be one goddess with just multiple names. Sharing similarities are often confused as them being the same being but no being or individual can copyright that on just themselves.

Thanks for this website. It’s shedding light on a lot of things that never occurred to me it makes total sense.

Yes, I’m polytheistic too, but I also recognise the Source of it all. This, btw is pretty much the central teaching of Hinduism, One God with many faces and that is considered a polytheistic religion. I make some further distinctions for clarity’s sake, because I think Brahman is impersonal and unmanifest, as well as non-dual. It needs to become male and female, God and Goddess when it manifests and becomes a person, that is how it individuates and creates this manifestation. So there always must be a God and Goddess, Shiva and Shakti in this dualistic world, who then must split further and manifest in myriad different forms.


Yeah I know about the sects of Hinduism, as well as Brahman but I also don’t conform to a single source atleast in the same sense, because khaos can be considered a source, Nun, Tiamat, the source new agers follow, etc.


I’m not trying to step on anybody’s religion or religious beliefs. That’s not my cup of coffee(tea is too weak for my taste of experience). If anything, I’m just trying to get the full scope of the connection of Ishtar/Inanna and Lilith. It’s like I see a puzzle, the pieces fit somehow but everything I’ve read only leads to more questions. If Ishtar is a sky/air goddess and Lilith is a dark goddess, how can Lilith be Ishtar’s handmaid?

No not you, but the concept of a sky goddess isnt really air, it basically means she’s kind of akin to a solar/heavenly goddess

and just because they both are different kinds of goddesses (ishtar holding light energy lilith dark energy) doesn’t exactly mean she cannot be. It just means they’re their own individuals, Ishtar is an Annunaki while Lilith is not. The Annunaki are the main Gods after their primordial parentage.

Well if the Virgin Mary is just a hijacked version of Isis and Jesus is a hijacked version of Horus, I suppose that cancels out them as the one true version of the Goddess.

Note: That is based on a reading that I just read merely minutes ago.

As far as I can tell, commonalities just make it seem like entities were either merged or grafted somehow through legends and real world occurrences that just gave way to a convergence of the same being. How to narrow that being(the Goddess) down is a matter of personal belief and experience that is exclusive to each person.

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I’ve actually been rather curious about the Hindu pantheon lately. I just haven’t found any source material that goes into extreme detail on them. I mean it seems like everyone has either heard of or knows about Kali. But I haven’t found much of anything in regards to the others of that pantheon.

The story changes slightly depending on the sects, but there’s a lot of information out there.

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There is no such thing as the one true version of the Goddess. It all comes down to personal preference. She will also choose the form that most appeals to a person or is most beneficial to their personal development. She can also shift from one form to another in a single visit if she pleases.

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So much information yet so much amount of space to store it all. Sometimes I miss my Blank Book Dreams. It’s how I learned a lot in a short amount of years in a way.

When you put it that way, it makes so much sense that it’s unreal. Genius concepts straight to my senses. Thanks.


blank book dreams?

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