Lilith, Ishtar, or Both?

Dreams where I wake up within the dream and I’m in a massive library. A woman figure with long pitch black hair always gives me a book with no cover or title. She taps me on the shoulder and that causes me to go to sleep(instantaneous power sleep). I lay my head on the book and during sleep, all of the contents of the book flood my mind in a series of flashes. Stories of Lilith, Azazel, Ishtar, Persephone, and even succubus spirits were told to me in these books from their perspective.

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I believe in truth that Osiris and Set were Same Osiris meaning fertile soil set left eqypt resulting in agricultural and political turmoil. He went around destroying temples to other gods and erecting temples to the one God Aten. He left the rule of Egypt to Isis and his 9yr old son, again this is what Set Taught me. He tells me that mankind twisted things making him the villain of the story yet what he was trying to do was for us now in this generation to understand.

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Truth Beloved deep seated truth. Its Blood lineal somewhere we find her as she connects to us genetically.

See we differ I do not view them as ever being human as you do, so we can’t really draw similar ideas on this.

Osiris cult reformed Egypt’s belief system, politics and what not.

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Oh sorry my mistake I never meant to say they were ever Human

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They’ve always been Diefied Souls maybe Extraterrestrial in origin inhabiting a different plane of existence. Different frequency and vibrations that most people cant see. Though some are capable. Evolution is making us more open to the beings always around us. Sorry I meant he lived through Akhenaten as he tells me. He was not the Man just his Soul.
They’ve been perfecting us over time because men have flaws that must be seen to before perfection can be reached. There were mistakes made but its as it should be now

I have experienced born Gods, titled Gods, and humans who have be transmuted and reborn into Gods such as the Greek Psyche and many Chinese humans who have become Gods such as Guan-Yu being seen as a God of War now.

However, Gods, Demons, Angels, Yokai, Fae, humans of other origins all are capable of reincarnating into humans here.

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Again My Dear Brother Truth, who are you? I am Set AuSet if the two who’ve trained me are truly me.

Its her Soul She sends forth as hand. They’re all the same. Its the demonization of women due to the paternal Christian Reign where they basically replaced the mother with Christ. Have you seen the first ever painting of christ?

This is the first ever Painting of Christ circa 1409 by Leonardo DaVinci Salvator Mundi its titled

Whether it is Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, they all have a hand in demonizing women through patriarchy. Look at the Bible for example, the man-to-woman ratio of names highly favors men. It is patriarchy in a million different ways it seems. And those are names of women that are supposedly treated with reverence. Lilith isn’t mentioned directly however her symbol is mentioned in Isaiah, last I checked. The screech owl or horned owl is an indirect mention to Lilith.

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That is a relatively recent phenomenon actually, for thousands of years, particularly in ancient Mesopotamia, there was equality between men and women, both in everyday life and in terms of religion and pantheons.

Ishtar is actually mentioned in the Bible as Queen of Heaven, though not in a positive way. However, she was such a popular middle-eastern goddess that they just had to incorporate her into Christianity. The Queen of Heaven is still an important aspect of the Holy Mother in Christianity, just do an image search and you’ll see how she was clearly based on Ishtar. Another clue is the depiction of the Holy Spirit as a white dove, an important part of the Trinity.

Ishtar was known as the Dove Goddess and was often depicted as half-bird as a result. You can clearly see the progression from Ishtar to the Shekinah to the Holy Spirit as she was depersonalised, but still remains part of Father-Mother-Son trinity.

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While Ishtar was maybe mentioned one or two times in the Bible, especially not in a positive manner. I think it was actually in reference to the fact that Solomon’s many wives and concubines turned his heart to their deities. If that is in fact the case, it is a further demonization of women. Truth or otherwise can be debated in the afterlife. Granted, I have my theory on that story by itself. The Ishtar/Lilith Relief actually shows her with owls close by her. I’m not too familiar with her being the Dove Goddess. It would make sense if that is the case. I suppose more books are needed then…

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