Lilith is calling me

So just a little back story going back about a year ago, I was just on my phone browsing the web and reading up on stuff related to gods and other beings and then I came across this thing talking about adam and eve and that there was a girl named Lilith and she was there before eve, so I ended up doing so much research on this girl named Lilith and her origins and all the stories that people have told and there opinions which were mostly negative, but I always looked pasted that, soon enough I would go on to tell my friends about this but they didn’t really care because they not really in to all this stuff, but I realized out of all these gods and goddess’s I always had a pull towards Lilith no matter what, so months go by and one night I was with friends coming back home from being out and one of them said hay look there’s an owl. Which is very rare here where I live, that’s the only owl I’ve ever seen in my life but as soon as I saw that I thought of Lilith because owls are very close to her.

And that leads me to now trying to get into magick because I wanna contact Lilith, now my last post I was saying that I felt something with me and stuff, but while I was typing that a small little tiny baby spider came walking down my phone… and spiders are also Liliths thing, I was like happy and stunned because this has to be her and now I’m really pushing to practice everyday and to reach out to her


Working with Lilith is intense at times, but a very interesting journey in which you will learn more about yourself and the universe. I’m transcribing my notes from each encounter right now.


I enjoy working with Lilith. Just being in her presence uplifts the spirit. I hope you have a great time working with her.


She is Amazing!!! :first_quarter_moon_with_face::spider_web::last_quarter_moon_with_face:


you can approach her as a friend, i think she will welcome you


That is definitely Her reaching out to you. There are no coincidences with this wonderful Goddess. Just be real with Her and respectful.
(She loves coffee with honey as the sweetener.)


definitely work with her, you will not regret it


Go for it!! Lilith has always been with me. She can definitely be intense at times, but she helps you navigate your shit, own it, and grow. She’s helped me with a lot of trauma healing.

May She be with you :fire:


Before I started working with her I had a sense that she was calling me in my dreams. I started dreaming about a beautiful woman who was around me at times taking on different forms. Sometimes human, a mermaid, etc., and it awoke something in me. When I finally started working with her it turned out that she did indeed wanted to work with me because she welcomed me with open arms. I have a lot of love and respect for her.


she also came into my dreams and i started working with her because i kept seeing her everywhere and at one point there was a story on instagram with her sigil that kept popping up and the “breaking point” was when again a story on instagram literally said “lilith wants to work with you, yes i mean you”


I have always felt a calling toward the dark goddess Lilith, as she is a dark goddess, and a fallen angel, and many other names, and forms. I always felt a connecting to succubus, vampires, and other supernatural beings.

I don’t think lilith was ever considered an angel let alone a fallen angel outside of a fictional series. She also didn’t really have many names besides the forced connections people tried to put on her as Liliths mention is not so broad like most.


@anon48079295 There is a chaldean/mandean myth where she’s an known as Zah’ril Lilith she is angel of conception and protector of children, but she’s is also the collector of children when they die.

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in Mandean literature as far as I’ve found lilith was used as a title for a specific female demon or a group of female demons. Can you show me where it states she’s an angel?


@anon48079295 Yeah you are correct in the same story she marry’s the emissary of Light and becomes an angel protector of pregnancy and children. I will send you the link a bit later as I’m at work at the moment.


send me the link as well, also i read somewhere she is an angel of prostitution


@Falllenangelicstan96 Yeah that’s one of her titles as one of the four wives of Samael.


I too would like to partake in this.

Would this also cover the deaths of children yet to be born, I wonder? I would love the idea that she would care for them, those that pass on before they even had a chance to live.

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I guess so, I only learned about her being an queen of succubi, mother of demons, fallen angel, angel of sacred prostitution, first vampire, goddess of self empowerment, goddess of sexuality. I also learn that everything u thought u knew from bibles and other sources related to her only tell the half truth

Lilith is vampiric by choice as she does not need to feed on energy but she’s not a vampire and no where the first.