Lilith help for love back but I work escort

I was just getting ready for a round of flyting.


What are you trying to say? Lol

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Natalia, they told you that Lilith would not work with prostitutes.
Who is they?
Lilith loves prostitutes, as long as you embrace who you are and what you are doing, I meanā€¦ If you live with no regrets.
Now regarding your man, emotions are hard work, why bother?

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Uggh iā€™m not in mood for it

Thank you for your help to all of me. my english is not good sorry. I love this man, but I talked to a magician who said that LILITH doesnā€™t like that I work as a prostitute because Lilith will not resolve my ex love to come back. I came to talk to you and leave me alone. I thank you for your patience

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Natalia, esse homem que voce falou, esse magico nao esta dizendo a verdade.
Sorry for the language but Iā€™m just thinking it will be easier for @Natalia_Conselheira to understand.


Very probable