Welcome! Welcome Everyone! In This Book I Shall Commit To Written Knowledge of The Wytchcrafts, Rituals, Sorceries, Spells, And Magic That I make with Gods, Spirits, and Demons, the difference between this Journal and the one I made about Lilith, is that in the one about Lilith I think of Prayers with a specific intention and then write them down, in this Journal I will only write down Rituals and spells that I have already performed
Ave Spirituum! Ave Deus Ave! Ave Deamones!
My Apology Ritual To Lilith An Appeal For Her Forgiveness
I took a shower
Smudged Myself whilst Nature Clad
I then Started The Ritual
I played Lilith’s Meditation Music
I drew her sigil in silver ink
I wrote her names, Magickal chants, and Magickal numbers
And I put blood on her Sigil
I recited the following prayers below
Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach
Ha Lilith Ama Ha Shèdim Ave Domina Lilith
Agios O Lilith Regina Gamaliel Ama Lilith + Tzaphoni + Lilitu + Yallathor + Torrigal + Akkathor + NINE-THOR-UH-GAUL + AYE-TOUR-UH-GOTH + Yakkorraggawl + Lattorraggoth + Lilith
Nigrum lunam nigram lunam habitas in Gamaliel
O Mater tenebrosa Peccavi in te
Sanguis meus intra me ardet
Sanguis meus immolandus est, et fundendus
Et hoc sanguine dabo
Spondeo tibi hoc Anima
Et hoc sanguine dabo
Spondeo tibi hoc Anima
Et hoc sanguine dabo
Adiuro te Animam Tuam Sigillum Animae Meae Ardens ut Ignis Incognitus Motus Me expellit Insanum Anima mea Inardescat Anima mea In Exardesceret In Honorem Tuum Sit Anima Mea Sacrificium Tibi In Nomine Lamiae Hoc Ritus Praestatur O Tu Se Peccavi In Matrem Tuam Lamia Qui Peccavisti In Honorem Tuum Anima mea Sit Tibi Sacrificium Sit In Nomine Lamiae Hoc Ritus In nomine Lamiae Hoc Ritu Deprecatus es
Super cor tuum tenebrae effundentur et tenebrae consument cor tuum in nomine Lamiae Ave Lamia
Domina Sanguinis Dominae Sanguinis
Bibisti aquas Rubrum maculatum
Vinum tuum est sanguis
Vinum tuum est sanguis
Vinum tuum sanguis est, et haec est libatio tua
Aquae fluunt Rubri Maculati
Hoc tibi do sanguine
Hoc tibi do anima mea
Hoc tibi do sanguine
Hoc tibi do anima mea
Hoc tibi do sanguine
Hoc tibi do anima mea
Hoc tibi do sanguine
Hoc tibi do anima mea
Hoc tibi do sanguine
Hoc tibi do anima mea
Aquae rubrae maculatae sum super sigillum tuum
Haec esto Libatio tua
Ave domina Lilith
I call unto Mother Lilith, the Goddess of the Black Moon and the Spirits of Obscenity! I call down the Sempiternal Harbinger of Chaos and Storms who presides over succubi and the phantasmata of those who died by the noose! I have selected the Infernal Divine as the divinities of my veneration and the catalysts of my ascent. I call unto the Qliphoth and I call forth Mother Lilith!
Ama Lilith Liftoach Kliffoth! Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel! Lilit Reginam Aeternum Noctis! Porro Triumphator In Inferno Sunt! Agios Tzaphoni Ama Lilith Layilil! Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras! Melus De Quo Magma! Io Ama Lilith! Io Lilitu!
[Mother Lilith, Open the Qliphoth! Numinous is Lilith the Queen of Gamaliel! Lilit is the Eternal Queen of Night! Victory Lies With the Infernal! Numinous (is) (Names of Lilith)! All Things Return to Darkness! All Things Emanate from the Demonic Plane! Hail Mother Lilith! Hail Lilitu
I asked for forgiveness and I asked her to be my mother and my Goddess again
Oeos Acaphosh Nyot Zelesh
Istvaman Teneb Nsgion Atomor
Ne Ammit Abas Norzabr
Eyatan Kelosh Tsabelmos
Nriozt Hananef Ftaa Eos Ghat
Ahi Hay Lilith Zodamran Amabis
Zodamran Lil-Ka-Litu Lilit Malkah Ha-Shedim
Ama Lilith Layil Rimog Lilith Ceph-Pe Mals-Veh
Fam-Mals-Un Don-Graph Amabis Zodamran
Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach
(Channeled By V.K Jehannum)
As I have spoken, so let it be done!
(Ha Lilith Ama Ha Shèdim Is a Chant Channeled By Legion of Lilith)
Ritual To The King Of King’s To Enchant A Pyrite Stone
I Statted Playing Bael’s Enn
I drew His Sigil
I wrote his name in Theban
I held the stone and chanted his enn around nine times
I opened his sigil
I puf blood on the stone and put it in the center of his sigil
I put blood on his sigil
I started chanting his enn while putting my hand over the stone I started feeling slight tingles in my hand
Then I recited the following prayer
Aperiatur Qliphoth Invoco Bael
Agios O Bael
Salve Bael Pater Herab Serapel
In Nomine Adamas Ater Aperiatur Acharayim Et Germinet Et Germinet Bael
Liftoach Pandemonium Et Germinet Bael
Invoco Bael In Nomine Qliphoth
(Created By V.K Jehannum)
I told him the Pyrite Stone was an offering and I asked him to Enchant it so that it is a link or gateway between me and him
I also asked him to Enchant it to bring me wealth
I left the stone on the sigil