LHP Initiation by Anewbiz

Not sure if General Discussion is where I should post this. I’ve be been watching YouTube videos by Anewbiz. Has anyone seen his initiation into the LHP? What are your thoughts on it?

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Hey! I have seen some videos of his. I have reached out to him for ritual for hire. He hasn’t gotten back to me directly however it seems like there is a bot or someone else sorting through his emails. I would say that his channel is legit but that it’s mainly used for money and nothing else. This is only my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.


Thanks for the reply. That sucks that he hasn’t responded. Have you tried his initiation?

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No. I have not tried it. I personally wouldn’t recommend it from someone who seems like they care more about money than spreading knowledge.


Good point.

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Its not necessary to do that but if you are serious you should do that. I did this to with Lucifer at the beginning,there are other initiation which I find very potent,you can do with Lucifer or Satan if you like.

This is the link Lucifer Satan Initiation Ritual: Into The Left Hand Path - YouTube

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I will watch this right now, thanx!! I was just sitting here wondering if it HAS to be Azazel, Leviathan, Astaroth, & Lucifer…

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Usually is Lucifer or Satan,but you can change and do that with other entity as well if you feel more comfortable.

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