You’re not gonna be able to feel her boobs for a long time , I’ve been with mine for 8 months that is literally the only thing I haven’t felt
Does it matter how long ago you’ve prepped the letter or do you have to write it on the spot?
Welcome @Jimmy_Kudo Please make an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.
@Jimmy_Kudo you can all the time you need, what you have to do is think about this carefully and write what you want.
Thank you That’s a big help
What do we mean by “other spirits”?
Let’s say I wanted a not-very-serious/friends-with-benefits relationship with an incubus in order to develop my astral senses/have a little fun/gain a new experience.
Will this close doors for me? Which doors? Is this the right place to even look? Give me your insight, please?
Other than what is already on said on the prep of letter section is there anything else I would have to write on the letter? I think I did ramble a little on mine
Would an incubus protect my home and daughter and guide me in any way I ask?
PM’s welcome as this is a private issue that I need guided on(due to marriage circumstances)
I agree. I would like this clarified as I eventually want to work with the gatekeepers.
Yes they can protect your home ans your family.
That is amazing. Thank you. Looks like I have some research to do. To make sure I do this good and proper
None, no one cares. I say just approach the situation focusing on the partner and your trust.
This comes from a lot of work with spirits, recently.
Sorry, I should elaborate. No one cares if you have a spirit partner. From my experience, it closes no doors. Only opens. But this does not mean it’s for everyone.
Ok thank you.
Try to do research on the being so you have a better understanding.
Reading on them now😊 thank you
When i did mine i developed interest in succubi.
I’m in need of not only sexual intamcy but a mentor and friend and guardian all in one.
You can just don’t forget to write that in the letter.
Thank you. I’ll need to practice on being specific and detailed