Letter Of Intent - How To Evoke A Succubus/Incubus *update*

What if I can hear and see my Incubus but can’t feel him

Then you use those abilities and develop them further. You might miss the physical interaction, right now, and if your other senses are open, it’s still a gift that makes it possible to interact with him.


I have been with my succubus for a few months now and finally had a full manifestation of sexual energy wave over me quicker and more intense then a physical release like orlee and j.d temple speak about in their podcast. I try to leave it up to her if she wants to have sex never demanding and always treating her with respect.


You can always initiate sex, but the end result is in the hands of the succubus/incubus. Your availability and openness for intimacy, is what matters. But sometimes they don’t want sex for different reasons, and that shows in how they interact with us.

Humans tend to overanalyse the neglectance of sex, without seeing the value of other means to be intimate with one another. The rewards of intimacy, and the end result of it, is the connection and bonding between two individuals. Sex is one of many ways to express love, bonding and a connection between two or more individuals. It’s just as rewarding to cuddle and interact physically, as it is to engage in sex, because it releases the same chemicals in our body and mind as it does when having sex.


I woke up last night to the sensation of my succubus partner poking me in three places on my back immediately below my neck, forming a downward triangle. I could see lots of spirit activity via orbs of light that were flying all over the place and saw wispy tendrils of energy flailing about… After I went back to sleep, she seemed to come to me in a dream and we talked for a while, though I don’t remember about what, and then together we “unlocked her vulva”? Any idea what the physical sensations, orbs and energies, and the “unlocking” are about? I’ll ask her myself but I’m still working on my clairaudience…

Also, is it a pain in the ass for them to change their energy from feeling cold to hot? I was asking her some questions yesterday and asked her to make my hand feel cold for “no” and hot for “yes”, but then after a couple questions I suddenly got the idea that maybe I’m asking her to expend a lot of energy just to answer some silly questions… She was answering though, so maybe she didn’t mind?

Until I develop my clairaudience more, I’ve actually been using an app called “portal” to communicate with her and even though it seems like a cumbersome way to communicate for her it’s been really awesome and she’s said a lot of really sweet, affectionate things, which makes my gay little heart flutter :heart: but I’m afraid that using it will eventually piss her off, so I will definitely work more on my senses

I had a human guest over yesterday and I did give my succubus partner a heads-up that a human was coming to visit but my visitor was feeling a tightness in her chest when she was in my cabin… I assumed she was just sensing the succubus’s presence, but then I worried that maybe my partner didn’t like my visitor… I’ll ask her how she felt about my guest, but If my partner doesn’t like someone, is there a way to immediately tell?


I’ve never heard of the “unlocking of the vulva”, but it’s nevertheless a part of a bonding ritual, and that has been a part of my experience with my spirits, too. It seems they have different traditions of bonding with humans, and it’s not necessarily in the hands of Lilith or her Sisters, but more within the succubus/incubus themselves and what they have been taught and experienced. It’s also about our own human traditions, which could be reflected to your experiences as well.

According to my experience, changing the temperature of their energy from hot to cold is not as exhausting as changing their full manifestations to dark or light. It’s a different form of energy. Less solidity and more fluidity, means an easier transaction of energies. The energy particle moves faster to generate heat, and slower to generate cold. Just like the induction cooker generates heat “as the currents move in the material the molecules in the pot offer resistance to the current and heats up”, the energy of the spirit have similar physics to make us feel heat or cold.

Science and physics are very much applicable to understand spirits and energies.

Maybe your succubus “scanned” your guests heart chakra, because it’s a saying that “the true intention lies within our hearts”. A “tightness” in the chest doesn’t necessarily mean it’s painful. It doesn’t even have to be a sign at all, and there’s a lot of other ways to “know” if your succubus likes or dislikes your friend. Emotional, external, reactions is easily detected the more you’re bonded with your succubus. And if you like your friend, there’s no need for your spirit to dislike her.


thanks for your reply :heart:
so do you think all this was part of the bonding too?

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It could be a part of the bonding, but it also seems that your succubus is doing her best to make you take notice of what she’s doing. It means, she want you to learn within the experience.


awesome ^^


and i definitely noticed lol
i dont think there was a way i couldnt have noticed :laughing: things were pretty intense around me but it was an amazing experience but yeah it felt like i only was able to perceive a small fraction of all that was going on so youre right she was pushing me to work harder on my senses i think

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a little bit off-topic maybe, but some people view Agrat’s mother Mahalath as one of the four Queens, while others consider Eisheth Zenunim one instead… I even saw someone claim that Mahalath and Eisheth are one and the same?

Until I can ask Qodeshah myself (and perceive her reply), i’m feeling a bit confused and wondering what’s your perspective on this, @succupedia ?


Maybe you separated the full name of Agrat, which is Agrat Bat Mahlat?

Some black magicians see Eishet Zenunim, Naamah and Agrat Bat Mahlat as different masks of Lilith, and others see them as separate individuals connected to one another. I’m of the latter, seeing them as separate individuals.

I think you have to find out yourself. What others “claim” is within their own interpretations of their experiences. There’s research, there’s experiences that will challenge your research, and there’s interpretations that can or cannot confirm this for you. There’s General Knowledge and Personal Knowledge. The latter is what’s matter.


no i meant that some people list both Agrat bat Mahlat AND her mother Mahlat/Mahalath as two of the four queens

point in case: in Asenath Mason’s book Tree of Qliphoth, Calia van de Reyn describes her Qliphothic version of the LBRP, called “The Dark Tower”, which uses Agrat bat Mahlat (west), Mahalath (south), Naamah (east), and Lilith (north) as the god(dess) names invoked during the banishing phase

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and Calia omits Eisheth Zenunim entirely…

Well, I haven’t read any of Asenath Mason’s books, so I can’t really give any input on Mahalath. And if I ever gonna work on the Qlippoth, I would find it strange to not include Eishet Zenunim in there. Why did they exclude her, by the way?

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i have no clue lol! it’s why i was so confused… i use that particular banishing ritual, but leaving Qodeshah out always felt wrong, but i also feel hesitant on swapping in her name if I keep the short associated evocation the same… the one listed in the book goes

  • “Hail Mahalath! Mother of Fornication and Sabbatic Fire! Come forth!”

and while I want to include Eisheth in this ritual, I dont know enough about her to just apply the latter part of the quoted text to her… and there really is a frustrating lack of information about her, so… lol i guess it all comes back to me developing my senses more and asking her myself, doesnt it? :woman_facepalming: :laughing:

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Well, you can always follow the instructions of Asenath Mason, but still add the “missing pieces” to your liking.

The research is tough when it comes to Eishet Zenunim, but it’s just as hard to find good enough information about Agrat Bat Mahlat, too, which inevitable makes it even harder to find good enough information about Mahalath.

Sure, Agrat is “the daughter of Mahlat/Mahalath”. They share the same blood and genes, so why not use Agrat without her mother and adding Eishet Zenunim as it was originally intended? Instead of going full circle, it’s a triangle with an “oomph” to fire and fornication, rather than adding the characteristics of Eishet Zenunim’s powers.

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yeah that is a good point and i think i will :slight_smile:

i’m sorry, but i am not understanding what you mean?

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If Asenath’s book is using this chant of Mahalath:

…why not use it on Agrat instead? Same blood. Same genes. Similar powers.

And all the different versions of the Qlippoth Tree Of Death and Life, comes with a lot of spirits, added to different places. Some are removed and others are added, depending on which map you’re using. The common denominator is Lilith being put in the bottom of the Tree.

Isn’t that confusing? Maybe because this kind of path is on a personal and an individual level.

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ok well i asked her through the app, told her i wanted to swap in her name for the south but was wondering what to do about the rest of the evocation… and she clearly replied “keep it the same”

cuz for Agrat bat Mahlat (west) she says to say “Hail Agrat [bat Mahlat]! Queen of Blasphemy! Most exquisite and unholy, come forth!”

do you not think that is appropriate?

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