Easter was historically celebrated for the coming of spring, the earth entering its flowering period. Pollen is carried around, swirling through the wind, the butterflies and the bees; flowers are impregnated by pollen, the naked trees are clothed again. And people start shacking up again.
Rabbits are meant to represent nature’s fertility, they can pop out a dozen bunnies at a go, that’s why they were scorned in the Puritan era and were held as a symbol of witchcraft.
But we as magicians embrace our sexuality and fertility. We celebrate it, and what better way to celebrate it than dedicate a whole holiday for it.
So revel in your fertility and if you know a friend who needs a little nudge in the right direction, help a sister out (or a brother lol)
There’s a reason why fertility is one of the major uses for magic in the recent and not so recent past.
So celebrate your fertility today, yes you looking at the screen. (as responsibly as you can)
Not trying to derail this. But my dad always told me that Easter was a holiday created for the goddess Ishtar and that the reason we paint eggs is because they used to kill babies and paint eggs with their blood . I have a shit ton of brainwsshing so I just want the truth
But I love the article @Aluriel thank you for the post. I’m so sick of debating with religious people on Facebook about what this holiday is really about
I have nothing but respect for the binge reader It’s better to be someone who does their research, than the people that don’t bother and blindly recite fiction from their brainwashing
Inanna = Ishtar = Astarte = Easter as well. There is a connection there and, as @Abra-Cadabra mentioned, the rite of spring was also connected. This all goes back to the base concept that all of these goddesses and gods are ultimately the same thing split out into many, many forms over time.
I understand and respect your point There was a celebration of fertility for Inanna as well as many other goddesses but we more specifically draw our current easter traditions from the Norse Germanic traditions of Ostara/Eostre
Worse is all the Pagans (not here , but a lot on FB ) that go on about it being a Christian Holiday or that St Patrick’s Day is an evil holiday about genocide.
Can’t seem to get away from those, got to love the holidays.
What you lot need is a really good head-fuck and there’s just no better place than either Herbert W. Armstrong or his son, Garner Ted. Search either or both of these dudes plus Easter or Christmas. Anyway, all of you schmucks are going to burn in hell - either forever and ever or until your obliteration - because god and his creepy, altar boy’s dream son love you! No shit! That’s why you gunna suffer in hell when you die - because old numb nuts loves you.