Let me introduce myself (to the LHP)

Hey there!
Well… I’m rather new to this Path…
My story begins as a little child that could see, hear and feel things. I worked for who I thought it was the “good guy” for many years, until I got tired of that path… Spent quite a long time by myself… And one day, Lucifer found me and made me fall in love with him.
Along came Azazel whom I didn’t look for, but he got close to me and held me tight.
I’ve been practicing Candle, Blood and Sigil Magick with good results and am eager to have guidance and to learn as much as possible.


Welcome to the forum!

What kind of magic are you into?

Where are you from?

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Hey! Hi! Thanks! Really excited to be part of the community.
I have had success with Candle and Sigil Magick, and I really enjoy offering Blood, which has been very well taken by the entities. I’ve also had called on the Four Cardinal Points to assist me and had an amazing response -this is something I haven’t found information on, so it is all my own inspiration, and I will share my insight with the community shortly.

I’m from Mexico!


Estamos muy divertido!

I’m wicked psyched to hear your experiences!


BE has two different meanings in Spanish, @Alazif, depending if it is permanent (ser) or transitory (estar). Just a little trivia :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum, @Giny88


I just need to translate things from my Grimoire into proper English… So, stay tuned!

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Thank you.
My Spanish is a bit rusty.
About functional enough to work in a kitchen lol

“Yo tengo cuberdo!”

Viva la cocina!
No pasaran!

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A welcome message and a grammar lesson. Love it!

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Shoot me a message if you need any help

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Sure will do!
¡Mil gracias!

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Welcome :blush:

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How long have you been practicing?

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When you hear the word “wicked” and wonder if @Alazif is from the East coast.

@Giny88 Welcome!!! You’ll love it here! We have cookies and fedoras!


Wicked pissah kehd! I’d hit this place up on the can at a Dunk’s. I know doc says one a day, but how d’ya like them apples?

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And now you want to work with the bad guy? Aka the bad boy? :wink: :wink: :rofl:

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Now I make the connections :joy:

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Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd now I am truly convinced. You are a fellow, “Pahk dah cah in hahvad yad” kinda guy! Wahoo!!! Because…fuck the letter R! East coasters don’t need’em!

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Some of us pronounce the "t"s a’gh the ends of our words with our throa’gh.

Thank you! :black_heart:

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