I think everyone’s given you all you need to figure this out.
I’m not helping you destroy another person’s life just for some ass.
Like I said do the work.
Depends on the time frame. You said “might be” so you don’t know for certain, but I’d say yes, King Paimon can help with that.
This could be the start of a learning experience for @Magick1
If you make contact with a live goddess, you will end up being a better lover. Be prepared to become a different person.
Also, you’d better be good in bed. There’s no replacement for that.
Thank you, I needed that. I have another question do you think sitri can help with a break up or Dantalion,Zepar, Sallos, etc?
Dantalion, lerajie, and gaap can end relationships of any kind whether romantic or friends
Does dantalion work well when it comes to break ups? I have read up on all of his threads but I don’t remember much about break ups on his part.
He can manipulate the thoughts and feelings of another individual. Honestly Lerajie is honestly a lot better since it is his specialty to cause conflict of all kinds
I feel like occultists over complicate these spells talking about going into someone’s higher self and performing four different rituals and all of that just to get with one girl. All you really need is one love spell/ritual for this to work, the rest is really you just going up to that girl/boy and talking to them and flirting. The way most people go about love rituals is through fear or anger or both. Honestly when it comes to dating. If it’s not fun then you shouldn’t bother. Because what’s the point of stressing about it. But yeah do those rituals end their relationship and get back with her but remember a lot of people don’t use magick and they get more pussy than some people in this forum. You are all occultists which means you all have the power to live your life the way you want. Remember that and use that to empower you making you the most attractive version of yourself physically emotionally mentally financially and in all things that’s matter most about you. Magick should be used to empower your life not take over it. Do those rituals then forget about them. Talk to the girl and flirt with her she might still have feelings there and that magick is what seals the deal but don’t stress. Good luck
And honestly This isn’t that complicated use sitri to enflame someone with passion. It doesn’t matter who it is. He will find a way to have them lust/love you. It may only last a month or it may last for as long as you wanted it to. Don’t over complicate this. Disregard what anyone says about this. It is possible and it can be done. If they were gay there gonna be bisexual then. There’s nothing wrong with what your doing. Just don’t try and change there lifestyle. You don’t want him/her to be straight you just want them to be attracted to you.
i want my ex back can santa muerte help me to break them up
can someone help me
Search the forum , though I doubt you can accomplish this