'The Black Witch by Enoch Petrucelli is a .
good point to start learning the demonic language* That sounds hgreat! But you did not mention where and how to learn it. It would be grat to get some information, cause I am really interested in learning that! But I also experienced that godesses - Demonesses and demons can communicate in the language the witcht/magican is familar with. The Great Godess Lilith, Lord Mammon and others can communicate with me in Old Norse as well as Idun, Freya Hel and others.
Your ever-living-idun
Well first learn the sounds, play with the letters, vibrate the calls, write spells in that language. After a week or two this will feel naturally. IT wont happen over night
To be of assistance with this, Not sure what unified language would the Infernal Kingdoms have as a majority language, but what can help is latin. From what I have been told and from what i’ve seen, Latin is a Universal language. Not an expert on this but to simplify Latin, English and can’t recall the last one but a language that is not German but originates in German providences more or less are the 3 Primers upon which all Human languages originate, and from what I’ve been told by my friend T whatever language Demons speech found it’s way into the primers of mankind’s languages. Of course the Potency of Magic in language has dilluted over time as there are now so many variants and intepretations of the same Primes that are more or less unnecesary which muddles the value of said words, but Latin if learned proper is more pure and well for conducting magic, as well as makes it easier to well, speak to demons as well as anything. The problem is Latin is Nortoriously Difficult to learn, if you can spend the time to study [Like I am somewhat], then that is your best bet to learn a language that at least has elements of Demonic Speech, and apparently Latin is very attractive, since the words are more purer than most languages it captivates and otherwises proved not intoxicating, but it’s a pleasant thing to speak or hear from what I’ve heard. @Urear