Lesser Banishing Ritual Of the Pentagram
In most cases you the first post will work. But sometimes you forget something, or be a bit lazy and then you get some negative energy that slips through.
You feel something (get a little depressed), it smells strange in the house. Little poltergeist activity (don’t worry, it’s not like the movies). Or have a very bad dream.
Something negative came through during your evocation.
Then it’s time to ground, cleanse and get rid of negativity. We do that with one of the most powerful rituals called the
Lesser Banishing Ritual Of the Pentagram.
A pentagram stands for protection and this ritual calls on source (Elohim aka God) and the 4 Archangels. It stands for:
Getting your vibration on a higher level and balances energies.
Now I was raised as a Catholic, I do white magick, black magick. I’m still on both paths because I think there needs to be balance.
I hate Christian dogma for example about Lucifer (my Patron). But I know how the other side thinks, talks about God (YHVH) too.
I’m somewhere in the middle and in my life I’m a mediator. I think that’s why I’m on both paths and draw my own conclusions. Forget dogma in this lesson and take this with you. It’s my opinion, but it brings more opportunities:
At this moment there is no war. There are disagreements. But both entities Angels and Fallen Angels can work together and sometimes they even point you to an opposite.
I wanted to say this because I will post 2 videos of the Lesser Banishing Ritual. E.A. Koetting (Left Hand Path) video is quite clear. But for learning purposes I personally like the video of Helen Demetriou (tends towards White Magick).It’s guided and everyone can do it.
Now keep in mind. Some people do the banishing ritual with a sword, dagger. But in the spirit world you only have your own strength, your own energy so I don’t use a dagger. But if you want to use it, go ahead, it helps you with setting your intend and that’s what magick is all about.