Learn from my mistakes

i foolishly tried to bind and command the spirits of the goetia to give me wealth and it backfired like crazy. the very next day i got a ticket on the bus and ever since then things have begun breaking down in my home very frequently. i had to replace 2 computers and alot of headphones, but not only that. I have completely broken down mentally and cant even take care of myself anymore and upon realising this i thought to myself “never to mess with them again”, and the very second i looked upon the clock right after it turned to 22:20, basically 222. I am writing this as a form of humiliation to try and appease the spirits and i will call upon them and sacrifice a small amount of cash, as that is originally what i wanted. learn from my mistakes. i have heard of great magicians talking about commanding spirits but i realise now that is a grave mistake, atleast in the beginning

feel free to call me a dumbass in the replies

What system did you use to “command” the spirits? 'Cause magicians that practice in the grimoire tradition do not have this problem.

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i told them that i command them to do my bidding and visualised a rope binding them to my service. i didnt follow a specific system. it seems clear that i disrespected them

Okay, it would you seem that you overstepped yourself. You didn’t have the power or authority to try and bind them like that. What you basically did was try to push them around but with nothing to back it up. In order to properly bind spirits, you either need the authority of a greater force (generally God,) or enough personal power to do it in your own name (this is often accomplished with the Abramelin Operation aka The Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel). You had neither so it was basically you pulling an ego trip.

If you want to command spirits, you need to use a proper system, like the grimoire tradition. Such systems often require extensive purification and invocations of divine authority before attempting to bind spirits into your service.


This indeed is a good thread and a warning.

Yeah not even those great magicians you read about could accomplish a binding like this. Whom you tried to bind is a Goetian demon, not Joe the trickster. Usually 3 Shem angels are summoned just to bind one Goetic spirit. You visualised some ropes.

Have you started making amends with whomever you tried to bind?

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can you recommend any books on the matter? the ars goetia only mentions the demons that you can call upon but i want to know more about the angels and as you mentioned, purification etc

The Goetia is only one part of the Lesser Key of Solomon. It’s actually the first book out of five. The angels are referenced in the Ars Paulina and Ars Almadel.

If you’re looking to work the Goetia traditionally, I’d check out the work of some modern traditional magicians such as Aaron Leitch. His book The Secrets of the Magical Grimoires goes into the perspective and methodology of the classic works. I also recommend Poke Runyon’s Book of Solomon’s Magick.

By the way, you don’t need to follow the traditional grimmoires (some of them will make the dynamic between you and the daemon very aggressive, and one slip of you can make them attack you) I advised to use methods of “compelling” the entity, like Dr. Rudd Goetia and Goetia Pathworking. Dr. Rudd method uses angels to make the daemons collaborate with the work (make them do a good job while also liking it). The Goetia Pathworking method makes your desire the desire of the Daemon, making him do the job in natural way.

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Good book about Goetia is The Magick of Angels and Demons that combine both the “divine authority assumption” and also use angels to complement the work (rather than just using them do make the daemons favorable). The magick of this book uses both angelic and daemonic energies, so if you want to work with just Goetia I recommend Goetia Pathworking. But before all that, reconcile with the Daemon you have offended.

I’ve generally never saw it wise to command demons, at the most, reduce your dealings with them to simple “Transactions” if you must, but I’ve personally had much better experience by building relationships with these beings, giving them offerings for doing things for me, calling upon them simply to boost my connection with them, etc and never once has it backfired.


hi, in relation to my latest post i started invoking and calling upon archangel michael for protection and guidance, he has let me clearly know that every time i see number 44 he is communicating with me. I dont want to get into details about the occurences of the number but it has happened atleast 10-15 times now, far from a coincedence. i believe this is an imposter or a parasite. if this is the case, is it normal for it to be powerful enough to affect synchronicity? i have done the lbrp but i dont know if that is enough, what else can i do?

the reason i thinkk its a parasite is because the occurences are always hostile when seeing the number

update: i am visualising burning the entity with fire to get it away from my body and i feel so much lighter and energised because of it

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