Law Of Attraction On LHP Path - Paradox?

Do you think positive mindset and positive vibrational frequency is important for an LHP magickian? How do you make sure to stay in positive vibrational frequency despite disruptive pathworkings and shadow work? Do you believe in law of attraction? Does shadow work and misfortune and individualistic pathworking automaticly put you in a negative mindset where you attract negative happenings? What are your thoughts and experiences on this?

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Law of Attraction is innately LHP since it rejects morality and “God’s will” as the cause for what happens in your life, and places you firmly at the centre of creation. This is my definition of LHP: "Left-Hand Path," "Right-Hand Path," And Definitions, so just to be clear I don’t mwan solely baneful work.

LoA is the single method I have had the most long-term and consistant results with for everyday things, regardless of personal paradigm at the time.


Hmm I wonder if my hardships then are needed for growth and moving forward. Because I just started working LHP and Ihavebeen attracting a lot of weird misshaps and hardships lately on the areas I am most afraid of in my life. :thinking: However I did ask Lucifer to help me achieve a happy life so I do wonder if this is just me wanting subconsciously to reform mylife thus leading it tofall apart in order to build new things? I am trying to determine wether this “Tower experience” is a good or a bad thing and wether I should do things differently or just let this happen. I am not used to disruptive pathworking. Thanks for the reply, Lady Eva. :slight_smile:

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It’s not really about positive or negative vibes. The L.O.A. is an attempt to label a fact:there is only you at every level of your experience–and you are consciousness. Consciousness is the only reality. Everything, not just magickal stuff, works only because one limitless consciousness is the fundamental nature of existence. At the level of individualised consciousness, your self-concept, i.e. all your thoughts, beliefs, desires etc. determine your conditions instantly on a moment-by-moment basis.
In principle, yes a self-concept that is habitually negative will produce habitually unpleasant experience and vice versa. However, there is an issue with the “positive vibe” thing: they try to cling to poles, i.e. emotional peaks and troughs, which is an impossibility. Hitting a pole ensures you swing back to the opposite fairly quickly. Much better to have a calm ( :slight_smile: balanced :slight_smile: ) emotional state and that works really well. There is no real positive or negative because everything in finite experience is relative, so a habitual state of slight detachment, non-resistance/non-judgement and going with the flow is the approach I recommend. None but the Father, i.e. the Infinite Omnipresence, is truly goo and that state feels like unconditional peace/calm.


Law of Attraction gives you the power to create your own destiny. Since our subconscious creates our reality you have to learn to control your mind and influence such as things u see or people u interact with for example. Meditation definitely helps tremendously. Any negative that happens (rarely) I take it as a lesson or sign from the universe to learn and improve.