Last Frontier Medium goes to Hell

Her story is pretty horrible. It’s not just a spank on the bum or bitchslap that’s meted out, although I would agree she probably deserves that, and would in fact enjoy it.

Wether she deserves it or not I don’t know, I just find it doubtful that it’s Paimon


The human mind is fascinating!!! Sometimes the soul just wants to experience something and this happens…
It is messed up but its the soul’s choice…
Everything does exist somewhere if you look for it!!!
Pain is there to balance the scale! We wouldn’t know pleasure if we don’t know pain!
This girl is infact psychic to an extent which comes with its own sets of challenges! Like can you be sure its a spirit talking or its the monkey brain?! The only solid answer would be a manifestation in reality that validate it…
The thing that triggers me is when she “remembers or unlocks” memories from her astral adventures while she is talking about them in the video!!! It feels like she is adding to the story… it feels off…
Also according to her she was a victim of rape in real life so that could be a way for her to deal with it on the astral! Like she puts herself in a “victim” situations so she can heal after and get stronger :woman_shrugging:


My great uncle Charles was a scientist for Dupont and part of the team that invented C4 plastic explosives so I take his word as credible. Anyway he was an old school occultist and my cousin his son committed suicide. So my uncle wanted to free his tormented soul from what he called hell. Hell not so much a place of fire and brimstone but more a psychological realm where people are trapped by their own issues negative emotional states. They basically can’t move on because they can’t get past whatever issue it is they have or had in life.
I honestly think this woman who obviously has a christian based outlook and mindset no doubt heavily ingraned since childhood has either created this for herself or invented this experience for profitability.


Any being. But that’s just me. I think everyone should fucking kneel to me in all my awesomeness.

I have nothing to do with Paimon, I never worked with him (but I did consider it, due to his skillset), so I have no dog in this fight.

I see no point in having a place to torture people unless it is run by sadists who do it for their own good. And being a sadist myself, I know I’m no rapist; everything I have ever done was with consent, so :man_shrugging:


All occult experiences should be treated with a great deal of skepticism.


Personally I think she knew the name Paimon from somewhere and is either totally making it up to sell books… Or went to a Astral domain where a parasite rules, or maybe even a Astral Domain that a Vampire Elder uses as a feeding trough.


Not all Vampires follow the rules of informed consent…
And I would be SHOCKED if any parasite does

But what are describing is not simple parasitic activity, is a fucking plane well organized, not the same.


She could have made the whole thing up

Absolutely. Except people on here also pick and choose which version of “Hell” is the genuine one and which ones are the Astral ones. For everyone here who has projected or journeyed to Hell and seen it as a wonderful empire and the Demons as glorious rulers, there are even more out there who have projected journeyed to it and seen it as a place of immense torment and suffering. Since the Christian idea of it goes from Judaism, and in Judaism “Hell” is a place that everyone goes to in the Hebrew scriptures, it seems more likely that it’s a more normal place, or at least like how they imagined it, because that is it’s origins. The Christians also distort it a bit because it’s only mentioned a few times in the Greek scriptures.

And then the concept of ‘Demons’ within Christianity was a Greek Pagan influence on them because of mistakes made in the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew texts. The the Hebrew scriptures, there is no mention of any demons and the concept itself would have been foreign to the Jews.
But now, Demonolators and Christians all of a sudden see ‘Demons’ everywhere when they journey to Hell, while a traditional Jew wouldn’t have seen any when they went to their ‘Hell’. So people are left to pick and choose which is the “real” Hell.

And the same thing came to my mind the other day when I thought of Lilith. Often times people on here would say a version of Lilith that’s like how they envisioned her in the olden days (‘Evil’) is an ‘imposter’, yet the idea of her being a kind mother type figure seems to be more recent. So which one is the real imposter?


Since you have admitted to being into BDSM at some level… I will put it in those terms

Do you have a playarea where both you and your partner(s) know what is there is a scene?

I know of at least one living vampire who is a sadist and has an astral dungeon.

If she didn’t just self create it, she may have entered anothers domain…

Maybe even just an astrally active teenager with a “Satanism” kink. Heck if its not her creating it, That’s probably what it was…

During my “self love Teenager Fantasy stage” I created a Astral dungeon and filed it with Fantasy character based thoughtforms…

That Realm got so strong that when I got past that stage I was able to use it as a energy source for building my actual Temple Realm, and at least 3 people I don’t know followed 3 different people I do know and who knew about my realm - to my realm when I wasn’t there…

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My note was because I’ve found some people who likes to equate me and people like me with rapists and we’re not. Hope this clears the issue.


@ReyCuervo -

I know the feeling… It doesn’t help that often the people on the other end of the leash have a history…


So they say, yeah, but I do know about pain now, and by all accounts have done so for several lifetimes already, so please let me be free of it in the afterlife!

Not saying that the hot sting from a black latex glove slap cannot feel pretty sweet, but you know what I mean. I’m referring to pain-pain, like really painful pain. That’s the kind of animal free nerve ending distress signal, warning of impending life danger (and massively overdoing it!), that I sure can do without.

To tell the truth, I’ve got a pretty low pain threshold while being high on empathy at the same time. I can’t even stand listening to somebody talking about torture the way she does in that video without feeling intense levels of discomfort.

So if I was going to some sort of hell, I’d make damn sure it was populated by the nice guy chubby kind of pervy demon, who right from the start had banished pain as a viable sensation within their realm, optimally perhaps even replacing it with intense sensations of pleasure, preferably…

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I really think was just attention seeking behavior to try to sell her new book.

I’ve worked with the real King Paimon and he doesn’t behave that way. I’ve never heard of anything like that before.


Let’s hope you’re right about that and he doesn’t have any hidden side to his rule that you’re not aware of, like when someone does not immediately bow down to him. Probably not. Sounds kind of silly.

Perhaps I should add that I’m not personally invested in King Paimon in any way, and do not seek to belong to him, so it’s not like I want him to be in a certain way due to my own agenda. He strikes me as too much of a Middle Eastern guy for my taste. :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I would of course treat him him with the utmost deference and respect during an encounter, like any god and powerful lord.

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Ha you have worked with the real king paimon I love that

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He very much is you’re quite right about that.

Yeah like you said about respect and courtesy. King Paimon is a noble Goetic King. Not a monster. He could have a sadistic side I’m unaware of I guess. I think I’d have heard something about from other Magicians though. Stuff like that word travels fast.

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Lol well I have. I performed an evocation of King Paimon as a part of a divination project. It went well. He’s a very cool spirit I thought. I’d like to work with him again for another divination related project.

Personally I feel like I do better with Prince Orobas for divination though. Paimons great but I think Orobas is still better at divination.