Ladilok Meditation

Oh, ok. I thought she was in the Book of Azazel. Thanks.

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This is the very reason is why i’ll like to call Ladilook. I’m instresed going down this route as I do always relate myself well with being of Lust and Passion.


All I can say is Ladilok is absolutely amazing! I reached out to her with something that I honestly thought would be a huge reach, but low and behold…just as she promised me she delivered within a few days exactly what I asked. For that…I offer nothing but the highest praise.



  1. How huge a reach was it?
  2. How did you reach out?

Sorry for the late response…as far as how big of a reach, it was definitely something I never would have expected to happen…but I reached out just as I would with any other. Put myself into a quiet place, focused on her and called out until she made her presence. I gave an offering if she would help with the particular thing I was asking for, to which she obliged.