I read through EA’s “Kingdoms of Flame” and decide to try and contact Ladilok. I’m keeping my goal private, but it’s pretty obvious based on the demon I’m trying to communicate with.
Crazy thing is I went to the store to buy some incense, some candles. Didn’t have enough money to buy a sheet to draw a circle on or anything like a triangle for manifestation. Anyways, I was printing out the seal of the sorcerer and found $20. Which more than covered the cost of the stuff I bought. Kinda was a “holy shit” moment. I really tried to get the best stuff I could find. I printed out the sigil and began to meditate.
I’m not sure I’m saying the name right, is it “Ladie Lock”?
I meditated on my goal, and gazed at the sigil for awhile. Trying to picture it in my mind. Maybe it was the candles maybe it was me, but the lines around the sigil had like a slight glow or 3D look to them. Nothing amazing, could be my mind messing with me.
I lit the incense and followed the steps in the book. Calling her name till I felt something. I had a shiver like I was cold or something, but I made sure my AC and fan were off. I then assumed she was there although my physical senses couldn’t see or hear her.
I tried divination with a coin. Heads for yes, tails for no. I asked if she was there and it was tails. Asked if any other force was there. Tails again. I just finished up meditating about my goal. Laid out what I would do to aid in accomplishing it. Dismissed any energies in the area and blew out the candles.
I plan on doing this for a solid month everyday for at least an hour. Not that time is important, but that I’m really setting some aside to make it a priority. I want to give this an honest go and see if I can get even the faintest sign that something else is out there.
If anyone evokes Ladilok tell her to come my way. I’d love to make contact with her and put some plans into motion.
Any advice or constructive criticism is welcome! I’m new to all this and have no idea what I’m doing. I wanted to share my experience so others could follow along and maybe learn something as well!
I find muscle testing (kinesiology) works best for me since it relies on my higher self. I hold my left arm directly in front of me bent up at 45°…makes an L.
Using my right hand, I firmly press and see if it stays strongly upright (yes) or if the muscles give noticeably (no), or if there is slight give (maybe, clarify).
Breath deep and focus without investing in the outcome.
Its easy to test yourself. “Is my name Jo?”
That way you are using your OWN perception…stretching the brain out… the demons I evoked had a bit of fucked up sense of …humor, which I didn’t expect.
Keep going is mine, this stuff doesn’t usually land in the lap for any of us, I spent years as a kid calling on spirits and getting little more, at first, than that feeling of a presence, so you seem to be off to a good start.
Have you tested the coin-flip instead of telling it? For example, ask it a bunch of y/n questions where you know the answer, or can find it out easily right afterwards, to check that it will reliably turn up heads for yes, tails for no.
Tip, if I may: don’t use the lottery, horse races, or anything gambling related as the test, lots of minds are observing and hoping about those and they may, arguably, also be protected by other magicians hired by the bookies etc., though I’ve never heard of nor met anyone who’s been retained in that way. Stick to neutral things, like just before you turn the radio on, will the vocalist for the next song you hear be male (conventionally, heads, yang) or female (tails, yin).
If you don’t do that attuning process first to verify your coin flip is picking up what you want, all you have to influence it is a random bunch of who knows what causal factors - currents in the air, the strength with which you flip it, etc.
There’s a cause for every effect and before using a divinatory tool, you need to make sure it’s tuned into the “cause” you want and not just the equivalent of radio static.
Maybe I don’t have an understanding of what “divination” is.
“the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.”
I thought it was a way for entities to communicate with you by simple yes/no type answers. It sounds like it’s more related to the “ideomotor phenomenon”.
“A psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously; for example, the body produces tears in response to powerful emotions, without the person consciously deciding to cry.”
If I think that an entity is in the room the divination should confirm it. Unless as you said, Ladilok is just having fun with me. Maybe to test my patience or commitment.
Having my subconscious decide things for me was not the objective. If I do have some sort of subconscious control over the outcome of what I’m asking that’s not what I was trying to accomplish.
Although I can see it being a valuable skills for my personal life for decisions like “is this the best thing for me”.
@ Lady Eva
Seems like I was going about this the wrong way with divination. I was trying to use it a medium for communication or confirmation.
Just trying to make it easier for an entity to communicate with me.
What would you recommend as a starting method other than what I’m already doing?
Seems like I was going about this the wrong way with divination. I was trying to use it a medium for communication or confirmation.
Just trying to make it easier for an entity to communicate with me.
What would you recommend as a starting method other than what I’m already doing?[/quote]
Been thinking about it for a while now, and I’m at a loss to think of a reliable method of divination that’s as “hands off” as the coin toss you chose, since the most reliable ones like Tarot, I Ching and the Book Of Fate all require some element of interpretation, whereas simpler things like using a pendulum, you’d reject as being your own subconscious.
I understand where you’re coming from with that, but it leaves me with nothing to suggest because the involvement of the operator is critical to almost all magick.
But there’s probably a reason you’ve heard of Tarot readers etc., and yet coin-tossing isn’t globally recognised as the infallible way to get an answer: and apart from what I wrote above (about the tool needing to have some link to the “cause” to get the “effect” of an accurate answer), y/n divination is usually considered harder to achieve anyway, even by experienced readers who get consistantly reliable results, than tuning into wider currents of energy outside the simple binary choice of outcomes, as Tarot and other commonly recognised tools do.
Probably the best thing is keep going with it and see how it goes, meanwhile someone else may have some better ideas. By now I’ve reached the kind of “Occam’s razor” stage with magick whereby it so consistantly delivers, and my divination and other work is so consistantly accurate, that it would be harder and more complex to find a “rational” explanation in each individual case than it is just to accept that the unified cause behind it is the existence of magick as a real force, but if you’re not there yet, and are wary about taking certain kinds of leaps of faith (e.g., learning Tarot or trying out a pendulum) I’m not sure what to suggest.
Maybe have a look at this and see if you can find anything there that fits a recognised theory of divination, and yet which leaves you satisfied you’re not entirely imagining it: [url=http://tim.maroney.org/Essays/Theory_of_Divination.html]http://tim.maroney.org/Essays/Theory_of_Divination.html[/url]
The rest of the work outside the divination part sounds completely solid, and as you’re probably aware, this stuff doesn’t just fall into anyone’s lap overnight and most of us have worked hard for various periods of time, overcoming discouragement and moments of “am I just one crazy idiot?” kinds of thoughts, before we finally begin to get consistant results.
Well said, as usual. I’ll check out those links and see what I find.
@ Dani123321
You’re inbox was full so I couldn’t reply back to your pm, but I know you’re checking out this thread. Thank you so much for helping me.
@ Everyone else who pm’d me.
Seems like the method I’m going about this with is pretty popular so I’ll keep posting regular updates.
I’ve refined my ritual a little bit more thanks to @Dani123321 and using the search feature on BALG to get some magik incantations going. Here’s my ritual now. The Order of events and verbage was taken from “Kingdoms of Flame”
-Purification Banishing (From Same book)
-Light candles / burn the incense.
-Charge the sigil
-Summon all magical power
Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza
-Summon the Spirit
Altash, Faltu, Kanta, Exune, (Ladilok) kama kalla Faltu."
(Ladilok) Kama (Ladilok) Kala (Ladilok), Kama’Kala Vel.
Me Vaskalla Me Solvalla Me Res’Alla Ah’tan’tel
Demon Ladilok, I call you into manifestation before me. In the name of The Grand Spirit Pendralion command you to rise up in a form beholdable to me!
-Repeat “Lad-Ê-Lock” until I sense something like I did last time.
-Thank you for manifesting as I requested
-Ask my questions and wait for answer
-Alash tad, alash tal “lad-e-lock”
-Then ask again and see if I get an answer
-Record what was said / thought
-Thank you for manifesting and working with me.
-I dismiss you Ladilok to carry out what I have requested.
–Purification Banishing (From Same book)
Again any advice or constructive criticism is welcomed! Always learning.
Thanks to those who reached out after my last post. If I have even the slightest bit of success. Like even if Ladilok pokes me in the head while I’m sitting down chanting her name. I’ll let you guys know!
I won’t post everyday, but the ritual will remain the same unless someone suggest something I’m not doing / need to do different.
And again if someone else evokes her, let her know I’m calling!!
Did you cleanse and consecrate the coins?
Perhaps you should just gaze into the sigil on a nightly basis and burn incense in her honor. You could also create an altar and feed her every week. I highly recommend some kind of stable altar with a beneficial and supportive spirit who can help you open your hearing. Ancestors are obviously I’ve of the best choices.
[quote=“Euoi, post:7, topic:4014”]Did you cleanse and consecrate the coins?
Perhaps you should just gaze into the sigil on a nightly basis and burn incense in her honor. You could also create an altar and feed her every week. I highly recommend some kind of stable altar with a beneficial and supportive spirit who can help you open your hearing. Ancestors are obviously I’ve of the best choices.[/quote]
I stopped using the coin. As I was using it wrong out of ignorance anyways.
Gazing at the sigil and burning incense is basically all I’m doing. Commanding for something to happen and getting nothing. I’m giving it a fair shot though.
sounds to me like you did everything right, but for your divination you asked the wrong questions, or failed to ask the right ones.
you asked ladilok if she was there and got no. then you asked if any other spirits were there with you, and again no. but you didn’t ask ladilok if she was listening to you. it doesn’t matter if the spirit is there as long as they hear you.
when it comes to divination, i either use coin flips or my pendulum to get y/n answers, and then i use playing cards, tarot, or i ching for further information. most of the time i don’t get beyond y/n, that tells me what i need to know. i sometimes also use playing cards as y/n by saying red = yes and black = no, with joker cards being unsure.
also, i find that when the spirit is tuned in, i can get confirmation that they are there by speaking directly into the sigil like it’s a walkie-talkie or a phone. when your message is getting through, you’ll notice the paper vibrates to your voice, it is unmistakeable. in fact, a couple of weeks ago when i did a transformation rite that ea describes elsewhere on this site, i spoke into midair and the air itself vibrated around me in a way that was not the usual at all. when i get that feeling i KNOW my request has been heard and is going to manifest for me, there is no way around it.
try that next time you do the rite, and then follow up by contacting the woman you are doing this for to set the greater magick in motion with lesser magick followup.
[quote=“Dani123321, post:10, topic:4014”]Altash, Faltu, Kanta, Exune…"
Is more geared towards helping the
Operator see the manifest and
Percieve the spirit.
Calling forth? I guess.[/quote]
I’ll switch that around then. No wonder you didn’t want to tell me what it meant. I would have tried to force it for sure. Good call.
I wonder if demons know I have no idea what these words mean. I’m 100% sure I’m not pronouncing them right either.
Any recommendations on how to say them or references? I can hear some when EA does an evocation, but not sure.
Most of them were channeled recently so they’re pronounced as written (not like trying to compensate for old English and vowel shifts etc., or accents from a foreign language incorrectly rendered into English) - to get a rough idea, you can hear EA doing some incantations on this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdtH5bANEJc
WOw thats cool. I’m going to try with Chomolongos. You can talk to spirts with Coconut shells too. I’m trying to get the prayer to talk to egun. I guess its like the enns the chants of the Demon you want to call. S Connolly has some really good books. Thanks too Fool for turning me on to her.
[quote=“KenTabor, post:6, topic:4014”]Here’s my ritual now. The Order of events and verbage was taken from “Kingdoms of Flame”
-Purification Banishing (From Same book)
-Light candles / burn the incense.
-Charge the sigil
-Summon all magical power: Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza
-Summon the Spirit: Altash, Faltu, Kanta, Exune, (Ladilok) kama kalla Faltu."
-Call Spirit Forth: “Etsel Mala’kel Test’zel Sam’tan’el Itz Retz Nama’tel Itz Hel Asta’Rel Kama’Kala, Kama’Kala Kama’Kala Satan’el, (Ladilok) Kama (Ladilok) Kala (Ladilok), Kama’Kala Vel. Me Vaskalla Me Solvalla Me Res’Alla Ah’tan’tel
Demon Ladilok, I call you into manifestation before me. In the name of The Grand Spirit Pendralion command you to rise up in a form beholdable to me!
-Repeat “Lad-Ê-Lock” until I sense something like I did last time.
-Thank you for manifesting as I requested
-Ask my questions and wait for answer
-Alash tad, alash tal “lad-e-lock”
-Then ask again and see if I get an answer
-Record what was said / thought
-Thank you for manifesting and working with me.
-I dismiss you Ladilok to carry out what I have requested.
–Purification Banishing (From Same book)
Again any advice or constructive criticism is welcomed! Always learning.[/quote]
i’d like to make a recommendation for you to standardize your ritual a little bit more, so you understand the mindstates you want to be in at every point of your ritual.
in the last few months i have been using hypnotic trance as the backbone of doing my own rituals. it helps to figure out what should be happening at each point in your rite.
the parts of hypnotic trance are as follows:
i. focus
ii. engagement (a. induction; b. multiple deepeners)
iii. suggestion
iv. posthypnotic suggestion
v. disengagement
i. in order to make trancework easier, you want to do a focus and then what is called a trans-derivation search, in other words send your consciousness within yourself as you focus on something outside of yourself.
ii. at that point you engage with your mind using a hypnotic induction to get a light trance, and multiple deepeners to get to deeper trance states. erik calls this the transformation of consciousness in his course mastering evocation. in hypnotism and things such as the silva method it is you going into alpha, theta, and delta states if you can go that deep.
iii. as deep as you can get into trance, you communicate with forces and give your requests as suggestions.
iv. an important step you overlooked is the posthypnotic suggestion and trigger. what you do at this point is to say ‘when such and such an event happens after you come out of the evocation, you want such and such to happen.’ or something along those lines. that is your cue that the evocation is kicking in and the spirit is operating on your behalf.
v. then you release the spirit into your objective universe and breakstate to come back to beta state. THAT is your banishing and grounding.
if you put your rite into this order, it works out this way:
i. focus
: purification banishing (mental)
: light candles (visual); play a noise (audio); burn incense (olfactory); other (kinesthetic, gustatory); and meditate.
you actually don’t need to do all of these things. you really only need to do ONE and concentrate on it fully, dynamically in 3D. the aim is to focus on that one thing to the exclusion of everything else. meditation is autosuggestion or autohypnosis, they are one and the same with the difference that meditation doesn’t have any commands but autohypnosis does.
ii. engagement (induction and multiple deepeners)
a. induction: ‘itzrachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu itzranta mantkala mantatzu beltatzu vaskalla itzrachu kantantu velchatza.
altash, faltu, kanta, exune, (ladilok) kama kalla faltu.’ repeat this until you go into a light trance. in a light trance you may get the theta/gamma sync or visual flashing, and you may also get limb catalepsy, which is a feeling of stiffness or immobility. don’t fight that, it’s a good thing, just breathe through it and continue.
b. deepeners: ‘etsel malakel testzel samtanel itz retz namatel itz hel astarel kamakala, kamakala kamakala satanel. ladilok kama, ladilok kala, ladilok kamakala vel. me vaskalla, me solvalla, me resalla ahtantel.’ repeat this until you are in a medium trance. in medium trance you begin to forget what you are doing and you may see/hear hallucinations (what erik calls 'structuring). continue with ‘come ladilok, by pendralion, appear before me! (and vibrate ‘ladilock’ repeatedly until you see, hear, or feel ladilok’s presence).’ repeat this until you go into a deep trance, and force your way through the grogginess until the air gets heavy and you see, hear, or feel the spirit. hypertrance is when you feel very groggy like you are bone tired. you have to fight through that and persist until the spirit manifests. you’ll know when it’s there, things will change.
in hypnotism there is a thing called calibration and you have calibration triggers in your ritual. they are:
: ‘alash tad, alash tal ladilock’ then ask again and see if i get an answer
: 'thank you for manifesting as i requested.'
but truthfully, if you conjure and you feel the change, assume ladilok is there and get used to feeling the change when a spirit manifests and you don’t need to calibrate.
iii. suggestion
: ask my questions and wait for answer
you can also just give your suggestions if your spirit presence isn’t strong.
iv. posthypnotic suggestion
this is the part you left off. you want to always include a posthypnotic trigger so you know what to look for as a sign that your evocation was successful. ‘i dismiss you ladilok to carry out what i have requested.’
v. disengagement
: ‘thank you for manifesting and working with me.’ and release the spirit.
: hypnotic disengagement/breakstate, whatever one you prefer.
: whatever banishing and grounding method you use. VERY important.
knowing what’s going on at every level of the evocation can help you figure out what you need to work on to get deeper into state to get better spirit manifestations. you also want to work on coming out of those deep trance states because life can get a little wierd if you don’t come all the way back after the evo is done.
When I’m focusing should I be thinking about focusing on manifesting on meditating on what my goal is?
I always find my inner dialogue going crazy. Mainly thinking about the ritual. Is this where my focus should be?
I don’t really have any gauge for what a medium / deep trance is? I just keep repeating the words until I feel stupid saying it. Kind of discouraging. It’s almost like I want to stay alert and not lose my shit so I notice when something changes. For example a change in the direction of the incense even though there’s no wind. Or the candles flicker or flame higher. These could all be natural occurrences so I’m looking for anything supernatural.
I think I try to calibrate because I want some type of confirmation that what is being said is heard or acknowledged.
I normally do what EA recommends and just make a sandwich or eat something. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I always feel like some entity is in my bedroom when I leave my living room.
Maybe deep down it’s fear that if something does manifest I’ll lose my cool and not be in control anymore.
EA talks about imagining a bright white light inside you and stretching your hand out in that direction. Or dipping your hand in salt water and sprinkling it around your house. Could just be a psychological trick to make you feel “safe” again. But I guess it’s all in the mind of the magician.
I’ve yet to see any tangible results, but maybe that’s my fault for not including posthypnotic suggestions. I just didn’t want to limit the magical workings at all. Honestly, I’d take just about any sign of success.
Based on suggestions I’ve changed the format up some and will focus harder in each stage. I’m also keeping a journal in notepad just to keep track of what I think I see / feel / hear.
I have personal advice, wrong or right, it’s just my experience.
I have done EVERYTHING evocation wise to the T. I listened, read and practiced every little detail. I memorized the rituals and incantations as not to need to read in order to perform.
However… I recieved no bizarre feelings, visions or voices, nothing aside from a few RARE times opening sigils where I was filled with Demonic energy.
I kept gettin really angry becaue I actually put the time in through discipline to learn all this.
I treated it like a science experiment.
I began to realize that just because we know the routines, doesn’t mean we know magick, spirits or evocation as a whole in any way.
This forced me to focus on the meaning of each act. Why we do what we do and most importantly, why I am doing it. My whole goal is to sense and speak clearly with spirits, which it sounds like is your goal.
As much as I didn’t want to believe it, the only way this will happen is to open your astral senses which means instead of ritual, you must practice skrying, you must practice getting into theta, you must practice seeing and sensing energy, you must practice opening your 3rd eye, must learn to visualize, feel and direct energy.
Believe me man, I have gotten so angry I burned all my sigils and gave up, but it only lasted a day at at time. I would yell this is all bullshit, there all imagining this shit, its in there head, I want real physical communication.
Yet still I had no answer till I took this seriously enough to realize I can only get answers by meeting the spirits halfway. Its just as much work for them to speak to you as it is for you to speak to them.
So you must learn the language, the astral language and to visualize and direct energy.
I still get angry cause the books make it seem like if you do a and b you will get c yet in my experience its not true. They don’t make it clear enough that without disciplined astral senses, you will get no clear response. I still have not mastered them, but I am atleast using my frustration to focus on these skills as I know it’s the only hindrance on this path to full manifestation. I have at this point began to receive visions but to be honest, I question them all because there in my head and I can easily trick myself into thinking I’m speaking with the spirit of Robin Williams like I did yesterday. Altho, these visions come totally randomly with no relation to what I’m thinking, so in that sense I feel they may be real lol
Awaken, Strengthen and Use Astral Senses
Picture objects in great detail with eyes close daily
Sit in the dark daily and sit in the light daily without focusing on anything look into your room, into space = 1,000yd stare
Visualize energy of all kinds
Feel your own body, its energy, muscles, oxygen, pulse, temperature, etc.
Watching breath till you become like air, empty of content, open
The whole point being to become aware of things you normally are unconscious of, like breathing and how it feels internally. Then you can become aware of how your body feels, what energy feels like. Then you can feel any shifts of pressure, energy changes, visions, voices and all that good stuff from that space of awareness in relation to your natural state. Thereby sensing spirits. I am practicing this stuff and ask that others add to this list.
NO. use focus to put your mind in one place. keeping your mind on one object opens up the doors of perception for your deep mind to receive impressions from paranormal forces.
think about what you want BEFORE you go into the ritual until your mind entertains the possibility that your intent is possible. during the ritual you concentrate on a symbol of your intent, not on the intent itself. your deep mind thinks in symbols. so you create a symbol of your intent and concentrate on that to the exclusion of everything else.
again, no. you have to train your mind to be still so it doesn’t pull you out of trance. hypnosis is UNWAVERING FOCUS. that’s all it is. when you focus long enough, your deep mind opens. when the deep mind is open and you ask the proper forces for anything, they bring it to you through different events that seem like coincidences. when you do have magick working for you, it feels a little bit unreal. so don’t get all wrapped up in looking for ‘a sign.’ that can be a huge distraction.
as far as keeping your mind steady, i had the same problem for years. and here are three things that helped me out a lot in that way:
i. become strong in the fundamentals in magick and hypnotism. those are your magickal gaze, and steady breathing. first i’d like to mention gazing, or the evil eye. to do the evil eye, take a mirror and look at yourself. practice open gazing and closed gazing. open gazing is when you look from one eye to the other, and then at your mouth like you’re going around in a triangle. do that for 10 minutes. closed gazing is when you look only in one eye. take 10 minutes and look directly into your own right eye. practice both open and closed gazing first, by blinking often as you gaze. and second, by gazing without blinking. then alternate open staring while blinking with closed staring without blinking, holding the closed stare for just a second or two longer than usual. that is the evil eye in a nutshell, and you can apply it ten thousand different ways in magick.
ii. as far as breathing, practice breathing evenly the way an athlete would. it pays to exercise and pace your breathing until you can exercise without getting tired. you’ll know right away if you’re doing it right or not, your own body will tell you.
iii. as for your wandering mind, i have the same problem! i do the following. if you get any book and its audio version, read the book while listening to the audio and read the words back out loud to the audio for 20 minutes. it will force you through every mental distraction. after your mind tries to wander about 5 to 7 times, sometimes very forcefully - you will start getting a bunch of ‘brilliant’ ideas. IGNORE THOSE and keep reading. and then your mind will give up its bullshit games and you’ll go into trance sure as night follows day. it might take a while though, so don’t rush it, let the trance come to you. a watched pot never boils, be permissive and let the trance come right up to you instead of trying to grab it.
i got you covered on both theta/gamma sync and trance ratification. read here for a short explanation on both. for longer and more in-depth explanations, read here and here.
don’t let your mind wander. focus and go deeper into state. when you go deep enough into state you won’t have to wonder, believe me when i say you don’t have to look for a sign. don’t worry about calibrating. practice focusing and going deeper and deeper into trance and you’ll get through.
i’m telling you straight up right now that there will be no doubt about it when the spirits appear before you. you will not need to look for signs, you’ll see all the signs you need to make you a believer. right now you’re probably thinking yah, whatever. but when you DO manifest a spirit you’re going to be laughing at what i’m telling you now like NOW I GET IT, fool. because it’ll hit you so hard that you are concentrated on something that you really don’t need to worry about. couple of examples from my own magickal experiments: one time i conjured from the 6th & 7th books of moses and i didn’t think the spirits were coming, either. when i looked out of the window in two different rooms outside of one window was a sunny day with birds chirping and out the other it was thundering so hard all i could hear in my head was wagner’s flight of the valkyriesi felt like this: flight of the valkyries
was going to start playing. raining cats and dogs is an understatement, and there was thunder AND lightning too. this was all going on simultaneously, i shit you not. another time i was conjuring to astral project using salvia divinorum. again i thought nothing was happening so i looked around the room and i asked myself, is it working yet? and then i looked back at myself and i realized hey, you’re not over there, you’re over here! then i realized i was bilocated - there were two of me in the room and i was looking at and talking to myself! it surprised me so much i fell right back into my body. i hadn’t even finished conjuring! a third example from a few weeks ago when i conjured astaroth outside on a hill. i had a sigil of astaroth on a table and lit some incense in a silver tray beside the sigil. i let smoke form in the incense. i didn’t think anything was happening there either. i said where the fuck are you? the wind blew and THE TRAY MOVED. i thought oh fuck, here we go again. the wind is going to cockblock my evo. where the fuck are you? and the wind kept moving the tray all over the table, that thing was zigzagging like ouija from hell. at one point i thought if that thing flies off the table and lands in the grass i’m going to have to deal with a forest fire bc the flames were going up at least 6 inches to a foot high, but the fire never went out and the tray never went off the table, it just kept zigzagging under the wind like astaroth was playing chess or something. the funny thing is, when you get signs like that you’re so busy being pissed off you don’t take the time to realize how fucking WIERD it is that those things are really happening until you think about it later on, but i digress. then i got impatient and said ok the smoke is blowing away, gimme something man stop bullshitting me. and the sigil started glowing purple and moving all over the paper. then the tray moved over the sigil and i just concentrated on the sigil under the tray for 20 minutes and i gave my commands. when i was done, i lifted the tray to take the sigil and the paper was blackened like it was about to catch fire. if i had left the paper under the tray a couple more minutes it probably would have caught fire, the heat went right through the tray and burned the paper. then i put the sigil in the fire and it burned quickly. some of it flaked off, it was already burned through. then the fire went out on its own a few seconds later and it just smoked like crazy. i was so busy looking at the smoke waiting for a sign that the spirit was all around me and i didn’t even notice. it’s when i looked away that it gave a signal and then i just conjured and didn’t worry about that. keep in mind i didn’t trance out beforehand, i just lit up and started conjuring with no trance at all. believe me when i say, the last thing you need is a sign. when the spirits show up YOU’LL GET ALL KINDS OF SIGNS big and small. i’ve had pipes banging like crazy in the walls. one time i was conjuring and i heard a racoon scampering on the attic directly above me. i got pissed off at the distraction and said get that thing out of here. and i heard something above me growl, it sounded like a HUGE dog or something. and then the coon made a hissing noise, and that other thing, i still don’t know what it is, it made an even louder growl like i’ve never heard before and i swear it picked the fucking coon up and threw it across the attic and i heard that coon hit the wall in the attic, and slide right down two floors in the space between the walls. and it made like a groaning sound and then it went silent. it got that thing RIGHT the fuck away from me. if that raccoon wasn’t dead it was knocked clean the fuck out. but it was gone. when i finished conjuring i went straight into a dreamstate and when i woke up the next day i was on the ground and the entire room was sparkling purple in the rising sunlight. so i know the spirit i conjured manifested. i think it was malphas? or was it bune? i can’t remember now. but it showed up in a dream, i remember that much. i tranced all the way out that night. so when i say don’t worry about it, i mean DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT. you’ll get all the signs you care to see if you pay attention. some of the signs will distract you so don’t put too much of your stock into looking for signs and wonders. concentrate on focusing on the symbol that represents your desire, and when your mind opens up, send your request.
grounding is important for the fact that when spirits manifest, your life is going to seem like you’re trapped in a dali painting. WIERD things begin happening when you conjure. be ready for that. as hard as it is to get pandora’s box open, when it does open you will be working twice as hard to get it closed if what shows up is not what you expected, so put as much time as you can into really thinking about what you want and when you do conjure, put your focus on doing the conjure itself. that way things work out in your favour. otherwise, they get really wierd on you.
no, that’s just society conditioning you to fear the unknown. in magick, you WANT an entity to be with you. THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS THING. one time i conjured in a cemetery at night. and the whole time i felt like there was a 9 foot tall giant standing about 50 feet behind me. it got so bad that at one point i turned around and looked at it. it felt like it was sympathetic to my cause but it didn’t feel friendly. kind of like when you have a marine standing on guard near you. it’s there, and it won’t hurt you, but don’t fuck around because it’s more interested in doing its job than it is in being your friend. so acknowledge spirits that are around you, and if you called them, communicate with them, but other than that don’t worry about it. let it do its thing and you do your thing. btw, there are always spirits around you everywhere you go. you’re just not aware of that and don’t have the senses to pick up on them. when you open up your psi you’ll start noticing a LOT of stuff you don’t notice now. i’ll leave it at that.
start with natural magick, it is a working practice. start with small requests to build up your confidence. sometimes magick takes time to come to you. again, don’t go looking for bells and whistles and dancing circuses. when magick operates in your life, it seems like coincidences begin speeding up and choices are offered to you in quick order, and then all of a sudden you get lucky and things start going in your favor, in the midst of a little wierdness going on on the fringes. when it’s all said and done it seems as if it was going to happen anyway and you wonder if you really had anything to do with it. rest assured, you did. magick never seems ‘real’ so if you’re waiting for it to seem real you are waiting in vain. do the work with full concentration, follow up by moving toward it in reality, and let the chips fall into place as well as they can, and when what you want manifests in whatever way it will, take that in stride. don’t waste your time looking for ‘proof’. even when you get exactly what you want you’ll still never have proof that magick works, which is why magicians don’t have or need faith. i keep saying this, magick is NOT religion!
[quote=“KenTabor, post:16, topic:4014”]Based on suggestions I’ve changed the format up some and will focus harder in each stage. I’m also keeping a journal in notepad just to keep track of what I think I see / feel / hear.
one last thing: don’t worry about having it all figured out. you learn as you do. you see everything i said above? i had NO IDEA what i was doing when i did most of that shit! don’t be intimidated or awed by the idea of doing magick, just do it and let it work out on its own. and remember, done is better than perfect. make all the mistakes you want and learn thereby. it adds up to a lot of experience down the road, and you’ll be surprised how many ‘failed’ experiments you did that actually turned out to be successful, but that kicked in after you gave up on them.
I thought I’d add my two cents here since your thread doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere. The meditation thing you described in the OP is superfluous. Working on the hypothesis that you’re trying to get a girl, I’d suggest letting the desire go before trying anything else. The desire itself will short-circuit the magical effect.
If its a specific girl you’re after, try conjuring for her to have a romantic dream about you via Spare’s method of sigilisation. We’ve all had a sexual dream about someone at some point, and woken to find ourselves immensely attracted to them.
Keep in mind that you will have to structure a body for Ladilok to communicate to you with. She is an archetype, a representation of vast power, not a programmable astral tamagotchi.