Kundalini shaktipat

I use myself “kundalini infused music” very often and it has help me a lot with my practice. Sometimes I do a practice first (it can be exercise that I have given in this forum, Mi Zong, draconian ritual book exercise etc) as preparatory stage then I meditate using the music without doing anything, this is special music but I doubt that I’m allowed to give more details. For me it is better than a shaktipat as it works as continuous or permanent shaktipat transmission with long lasting effects.
I use it also during ling kong jing in the background to get the shakti effect in my energetic system so it enhances the whole process. What is interesting is that you can listen the music anytime anywhere and keep the process working in your body.

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It’s interesting that you connect reiki and kundalini. This guy has a system where he says you can use reiki energy, coming from the crown and flowing down, to meet the kundalini energy, coming from the base of the spine and flowing up.

Supposedly, this calms the kundalini activation, which as you’ve noted, can often be intense.
However, it is also supposed to greatly hasten kundalini’s progress upward (and reiki’s progress downward, he claims).


Personally, I’m skeptical that this guy really awakens people’s kundalinis with this system. However, I have found that using a sort of downward flowing energy can help calm and control kundalini energy.

Based on my own experience, I wouldn’t recommend building up more and more energy at the base of the spine until it forces its way up. I’m not convinced that kundalini activations need to be as intense and sometimes damaging as they seem to be when people do it that way.

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Had another kundalini activation session and this time it actually worked. It felt like an orgasm was happening in my lower spine and and started to spread. So yea, the easiest way is to just do 5 or 6 sessions with one of the kundalini activator people and generally you’d be able to self activate after that.

Otherwise sitting there meditating takes forever, altho meditation is good too.

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Can u maybe dm me where and how u had that?

In the siddha tradition, the sadguru intiates the sadhak giving him shaktipat diksha and instruction sometimes very simple. After that the sadhak can practice daily meditation alone without any further guidance and raise the kundalini smoothly into sahasrara chakra ( it can takes few weeks, months or years depending on each individual).
Nowadays this is easy to get such initiation remotely without being slave of a sect master or so called « fake guru ». Avoid those who offer that for crazy fee and levels, this is a trap. Most of the time you can trust a guru who offers shaktipat free of charge and who doesn’t create hype of any sort…
For example Mahayoga website offer free of charge shaktipat every year for anyone interested but you will have to follow vegetarian diet, avoid garlic and mushroom and be ready to meditate one hour every day. And that’s it, no exercise, no ritual only respect towards the lineage gurus as this is a true tradition from india.Most of people dont know the importance of guru parampara in kundalini tradition. There is a tremendous power into lineage transmission and it can supercharge your own evolution. Many western guy like me have tried to find a true sadguru from
Nath Sampradaya tradition to get the real thing.
This is true for kundalini and also for qigong. The practicers of living lineage qigong systems know the value of such transmission and feel very strong empowerment during practice.
Another very good way to awaken kundalini or at least to prepare the way is the practice of the 9 hand seals (kuji-kiri )but here you have to find the right hand posture in which the fingers press acupuncture points into hands to activate the right chi circulation.

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Well, I contacted several people (including the helpdesk) that worked to those levels, and they all say basically the same thing. Reiki Tummo is for “healing and it will open your heart” I asked them if it would be possible to get visions by raising the kundalini through the upper chakras and they said no. (I literally had a WhatsApp call with a female that did all the workshops/levels/attunements and ask her if she got visions by raising the kundalini through this system) Also, somewhere on the site of www.padmacahaya.org it stated, that the founder is against visions of any sort, as this would distract the practitioner.

That’s why I never really felt the urge to drop down a few hundred $$$ to work through those workshop levels. To see if Reike Tummo can help me open up my psychic abilities by raising my kundalini seems like a big gamble to me. Hey look, if I would make 10K a month or so, I would be happy to pay $1100+ for all those workshops. But right now I think I can better invest my precious coins in other endeavors.

However, I found this site maybe this got some useful information for some folks.
I came across it when I was searching for more information about mushrooms & kundalini after reading posts of @Alahimavatara

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Very interesting link, thank you! Also great to hear about what you learned from the reiki tummo people.

The problem with getting shaktipat from an indian guru is that they bring all of their cultural baggage, belief in a caste system, worship of idols, when all we want is the kundalini, we don’t need any guru because you yourself are your own guru. The cultishness and dogma of Hinduism and most indian gurus is a huge turn off.

That’s why I prefer to recieve shaktipat or energy activations from westerners because they don’t have all of the cultural baggage and it’s simply about the kundalini.

Of course doing meditation daily, for even just 10 minutes, is a huge benefit and will help activate and keep the kundalini flowing.

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interesting link. I notice how they put th most focus on the heart chakra. That’s really what tantra is about. It’s not about endless sex, having visions, it’s about waking your heart chakra and remaining fixed in it. Raising your lust and turning it to love. You can still have sex tho, but it will be from a heart based level rather than just an animalistic pounding level. This is the key for men as it will allow them to last for hours during sex, rather than orgasming in 3 minutes.

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LOL I last waaayyyy longer than 3 minutes.

Anyhow, what about this? (Shaktipat transmission from Jivanmukti)

Maybe its also something to investigate Kip Mazuy
He makes special kundalini transmission music

Kip Mazuy Channel

Kip Mazuy site/info page

"How is this Kundalini Shakti Sound Made?

The deepest states of meditation where different vibrations of Shakti are
*most powerful get recorded and with very special audio equipment get turned into sound that you can hear. And so by listening to the Bliss Music Meditation CDs, you receive Shakti and naturally awaken into deep meditation and peace. It is completely safe and the most powerful meditation sound technology out there. *

Calling it a sound technology is not even correct as it is based on the transmission of Shakti: a method to attain enlightenment that is thousands of years old. It simply modernizes this method in a way that is accessable to everyone. In the old days of India, you took a pilgremmage to see a Guru and get their blessing. Now you can simply press play on your mp3 player or CD player.

My interest is not in replacing enlightened teachers but simply to offer an easy way for everyone to receive Shakti and experience the essential peace, love and bliss that lies deep within us."


Jivanmukti seems like the real deal. She offers personal and group shaktipats too.

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Yes Jivanmukti offers powerful transmission. Kip Mazuy has a legit lineage and his shaktipat music is very potent. You can check his sample music transmission. He is very underrated.


I have used siva siva method from nandhiji and find the exercise very good to awaken and raise kundalini into the third eye. But here this is link to siddha tradition so it mays not be suitable for you. I have get several raising but not permanent ones. In my case when kundalini is in third eye I cant sleep more than 3 hours per days during months and eat less but body temperature is hot. In this case I have found qigong very helpful to get more balanced. However now I use more and more the Kip Mazuy music especially the last ones who have strong effect on central channel and help to clean the energy blocks so kundalini raising is not harsh as previous method.
Jivanmukti is incredible and gives really strong transmission, she often emphasizes about not projecting any illusion or dream outside ourselves.

I just watched the Jivanmukti video above and she really kept my attention, she hardly even blinked her eyes. I was mesmerised by it and now I feel a warm kind of glow about me :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I might have slightly fallen in love with her as well :blush:

What kind of Qi Gong exercises do you find helpful with kundalini energy? I’ve started trying the microcosmic orbit to good effect, but I don’t know where to go from there

For me this is wuji gong from Wudang style and here you have several choices depending on the instructor. You can found many versions but not all have the same effect. One version is found in the dvd called" qigong for beginners" from Francesco Garripoli ( he has received this qigong from Master Duan and for most this is the most authentic version of it), another version is wuji gong from Master Cheng Bingsong but you can also find Primordial Qigong from other well known instructor.
However I have found " T’ai Chi for Liberation: An Ancient Practice from Wudang Mountain, China by John P. Milton who have received it directly in Wudang" the most potent for me and I do it as much as I can. This T’ai Chi form is more a Wuji Gong than a T’ai Chi form.
These chi exercises are said to help the Taoist on the path to enlightenment so they help to clear energetic pathway, refine chi and most important help to attain much more deeper meditation stage in relatively shorter time ! I have done many experimentation with qigong and it’s best to not mix too much to avoid energetic problems so I had to wait months before to try each one, a very lengthy process. One who is great is Dragon Gate Qigong or Chuan Zhen Pai not especially for kundalini but the consciousness level and energetic level of the body.
Later I have do some test with the Wuji Gong from Milton and get wonderful results, higher level of consciousness, feel much more chi into the whole body, into hands and feet and a great help for kundalini raising without too much side effect usually felt. There is so many qigong out there that is impossible for me to try them all. Another good news : these Wudang form will be great addition for any practicer of the draconian current…
A great addition ( if you have more time) at the end of the daily practice is to do Master Gu Taoist meditation to enhance the whole process and add the benefits of this Taoist meditation. This master teach the Wudang 8 form who help to maintain the health of the body, calm the mind and raise energy level. All these practice work well together as they come from same lineage of the legendary Zhan San Feng in Wudang Mountain.
Many other qigong can be helpful for this task but here I cant say more about them. Most of the time teacher offer the first levels of their qigong systems be it on dvd, online or during retreats. These first levels are more on the healing side of things and at later stage they give more esoteric forms but this is difficult to get them. An example of that is the spring forest qigong method.


@Serkyr Can you please private message me? I want to ask you questions about this stuff, you have a lot of great knowledge about it. Thank you.

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Welcome @greencalx It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so before asking a member to message you, PLASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


I agree I meditate since the last two years sometimes one day a week for 3-4 hours, do shallow breathing my body becomes lighter, my mind is dark and still, but full if piece

One day I got a hefty shakes from my back spine…and why I go to bed at night, rolling eyes a little bit up, I bath in the ommmmm mmmmm sound…benefits? I don’ t know but I let it happen.

I say it’s everyone birthright to awake the super powers.the siddhis…no matter who created us (the anunnaki?) why they not gave us these super powers make it so hard to get it?
Was shiva an anunnaki astronaut?

And all these Gurus who telling me awaken kundalini siddhis,is dangerous…the same enslave manipulation then with religions made by men.

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Anyone who successfully raise kundalini and not only prana current can get siddhis but in the rhp current it is adviced to ignore them instead on focus on them. Most of the siddhis are not permanent as they are link to a level of consciousness so if you focus on one you cant go further or loose it. However few of them can be permanent especially those gained at the vishuddha and ajna chakras ( the head zone). And good news they can be used for evolution but this is another story.
True sadguru is not a religious being but genuine master who guides disciple to moksha using the yogic science. This is the same for any tradition you will have those who wants your money selling you countless levels of their systems or worst make you as a puppet and very few ones who are spiritual masters able to guide other…

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