The only thing I have done that comes close to Kriya Yoga (maybe) was a practice I picked up reading stuff from Yogi Bhajan. I was practicing a few things everyday namely Taoist Microcosmic Orbit and Sexual Kung Fu practices, Surya Namaskar, and this Kriya known as the Sat Kriya. I’m pretty sure EA mentioned it in Ipsissimus, but the only thing I came close to doing as a Kriya was Sat Kriya.
I always forget that I actually practiced it because I only ever did it for about 6 minutes in a day, usually 3 mins in the morning and 3 in the night. However, my practice in general at that time was a bit off, not really systematic at all. Despite this, my experience with the Sat Kriya’s effects were evident, and practices that used to have no real effect on me before produced extremely profound experiences after practicing Sat Kriya, very loosely I might add, for 2 weeks only.
One example I can think of is a sitting posture that I have seen called “The Egyptian Chair Pose”. It’s really nothing more than sitting straight-backed in chair, but you really have to have a straight spine, you know, making sure that all that lower spine activity is locked up. Practicing yoga, both Taoist and Hindu, helped greatly in making this pose more effective, because you have to gain a proficiency with the lower core muscular and skeletal matrix in order to get your practice to work for you. At any rate, when practicing the Egyptian Chair Pose (Franz Bardon calls this pose “The Asana”), the idea is to hold the pose for as long as you can in perfect stillness.
I practiced this before with no good results, and I simply didn’t have the anatomical expertise to actually sit straight-spined. However, I was able to stay in this pose for 20 minutes easily after only 2 weeks of this loose yoga practice. Despite being so simple, Sat Kriya was actually the most physically demanding activity, but it really almost seemed to teach itself to you as you did it. In all, in practicing the Egyptian Chair Pose, I found that I could very simply walk out of body if I wished, and these was a profound energetic buzz that didn’t surround my whole body, it was practically in every part of my body! I had no clue that these sensations could accompany the simple practice of the Egyptian Chair Pose, but after practicing the yoga, it seemed that this practice, as loose as it was, was primarily responsible.
That’s my experience with something that was referred to as Kriya, although I can’t honestly say if it is or is not a Kriya. I don’t even know much about Kriya Yoga, I just tried the Sat Kriya and it was awesome. I’m going to re-include it in my practice, since I have forgotten about it in light of my current work. Again, I actually stopped the ritual work because I was mad scattered, and y yoga had a sound structure, while my ritual work had none whatsoever. I figured it was best to focus on my foundation, which was bringing all the opportunity I wanted anyway without thinking about it. I mean, even practicing beginner yoga can do some SERIOUS work for your life.