
What experience does anyone have with konstantinos?


I have his vampire book I found interesting but I disagree on some things.

I have his werewolf book and gothic grimiore haven’t finished gothic grimiore though


I have his Nocturnicon. Interesting read it is

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His book on summoning sprints is great.


I got all book but the werwolf and vampire and im happy with them, short and to the point of things, evaluates different things so depending on what ppl want i would say that personaly i think the art of summoning spirits and nocturnicon are my favs.
Nocturnsl witchcraft and gothic grimoire also good.

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I have The Nocturnicon, Nocturnal Witchcraft, and just got Summoning Spirits (and I might have had The Gothic Grimoire at some point).

So far the material in Nocturnal Witchcraft is working for me. The silver and black spheres banishing just feels so much better to me than the LBRP, I think mostly because it’s just straight up energy (and I love silver and black) and divested of anything Abrahamic (which has caused me and those I care about so much suffering). It’s something I feel like I can build upon, like creating my own silvery servitors to replace archangels’ functions, or even something completely different like weaving an adaptive shield from the silver and black like how the characters in the Wheel of Time are described channeling the source in various ways.

The Nocturnicon has some (to me) great pointers for using psychodrama for raising energy.

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