Kingdoms of Flame

I hope to one day work through a grimore or pathworking in such a way that I can make it as coherent as you do with these Journals you post. Well done and thank you for these journals


Wow, thank you. A lot of the time, I struggle with how to describe what I’m experiencing, while trying to keep it “real”.

Thank you and I’m glad you’re finding value in them.


I called on Samassk tonight. True to form, he said almost nothing. He literally said nothing until I asked him at the end.

I know two friends that have described some night time work that reminded me of when I was “working” through the Gates. I know one of them travels regularly, the other described it as being a little unusual. I asked Samassk for their protection as they travelled or “worked” or whatever. He nodded in agreement.

I also asked him to look after myself and my family as we do a lot of traveling over the next few months. He agreed.

I could tell we weren’t going to have any heartfelt moments in this first encounter, but I still asked, “Is there anything or advice you could give me?”

“Keep Practicing”. I got the intent that he approved of my efforts (successful or not) and wanted me to continue.

Fair enough.

This concluded the spirits in the First Kingdom of Flame. I grabbed a pen, sunk inside myself, and began running it over the list to see which Kingdom was next.


I opened the square of the Kingdom of Night, then Keltemtal’s sigil. I’d already met him and didn’t feel I needed to reintroduce myself. I opened Raskutor’s sigil and went through.

He reminded me of a sort of nobleman, but not “stuffy”. His clothes reminded me of attire I’d seen in Renaissance paintings, with red being the dominant color, with white and black accents. His hair was straight and hung down past his chin, a dark, dark brown.

I could feel and eventually saw Grand Demon Kaltemtal. He sized me up again, approved, and left.

R: “You don’t have a target in mind.”

M: “I don’t (he didn’t seem annoyed)”

(He nodded and was pacing a bit, I felt like he was in control (at the moment), but that it could change. Moreso with enemies, obviously)

M: “What kind of people do you deliver?”

R: “All (given enough time). Many different types. Many different ways.”

(He was becoming more agitated or (and?) overly focused on other things as the time went on - and it had only felt like a minute or two)

M: “Could you deliver someone to their death or two a place where they could be harmed? (this would be useful in taking care of my list of targets in a different manner)”

R: “No. (I) Shouldn’t”

M: “Shouldn’t?”

R: “Shouldn’t.” (I heard something like ‘not right’ or ‘not acceptable’, but it was clear he COULD, but didn’t want to).

(He was becoming more unhinged as it went on, so I thanked him and closed the ritual).


Opfaal: “We will work together.” (I could feel this was definitely true)

M: “I want to learn how to do what you do (or similar, over time).”

O: “You will. This is inline with your pursuit (mimics what I was told in part of my necromancy journal). This is a longer pursuit (both learning his approach and my personal approach mentioned above). We will speak again. Call on me when you feel you should. I will send signs (to remind you) if you don’t.”

The conversation was done.



Althalln: “It’s ironic that you have come to me.”

Me: “Is there not something I could learn?”

A: “Of course. But you have worked with them (the Shadows) extensively, compared to most who come calling.”

M: “Not as much as you. They are your speciality.”

A: “Yes and you sense we’ve worked with them differently.”

M: “I certainly believe you know them better. I think you have answers that I would find helpful. I know others would, especially those who haven’t really worked with them at all”

A: “You don’t want to say it.”

M: “I am refraining, yes. Compared to you, I’m a dabbler. And those who dismiss them as mere figments or shadow parts of the darkness or self (only) won’t understand them, really. They’re too busy writing them off in a category and not experiencing them fully.”

A: “Why is that? (He was amused at my reluctance)”

M: “Because you have to almost become one of them to understand why they are the way they are, how they (seem) to be made of in their purest form, and understand how their energy works to know where it fits in the spectrum. If you can’t reach out and manipulate their energy, in their area and space, you don’t understand them.”

He nodded, pleased, and the meeting was over.

Why is it desired to know them at that level? Shadows are not a homogenous group, in my opinion and experience. They run a wide range of energies and “dark” or “negative” is just as simplistic as saying all cubes are houses, when you actually start to understand their energy and the different types of make ups they have.

I’ve covered some of this in my Shadownomicon stuff and I’ve grown since then. I don’t really want to muddy up this journal with that discussion. But I have no fear of shadows, can destroy them permanently if I need to (as opposed to them coming back), they don’t bother me because I’m no longer a food source. And I still KNOW there is stuff I can learn from Althalln.


I contacted Centamot tonight and Kaltemtal acted as his spokesman. Centamot himself was mostly dispersed, but came together like an opaque cloud of sorts when I presented the target to him - a road rage shooter with an extensive criminal history that killed an innocent woman.

Afterwards, when Centamot had left to see to the task, Kaltemtal asked me about working through Helios Unbound. I told him I was still in the initial reading phase only. It is interesting, but thought provoking and isn’t something that I, at least, can speed read through and make an informed decision on.

I backed out, removed Centamot’s sigil and continued.

I called on Sraagbel and he felt a little like the Shadow Child from the Shadownomicon in temperament and general size, but he didn’t look like the shadow child - he wasn’t a shadow. He listened VERY intently as I described the target and what I wanted to happen to him. Kaltemtal clearly approved.

It won’t bring back the young mother and toddler that he recklessly killed. But it will help break him long before he ever makes parole.

This concludes the work through of the Kingdom of Night.


I decided to call on Kaltemtal and Opfaal today for a friend going through a rough time. Rather than using the KoF methods, I decided to go with my regular evocation methods.

Both came relatively quickly for my request and their spirits felt the same. This may seem unimportant, but it’s been plaguing me for a while. I had to make sure they were the same spirits using different methods (and different “locations”), in a way that the two couldn’t bleed into each other directly.

I also wanted to verify that the spirits were more complex than simple egregores. While they feel complex in their Kingdom, a space they control, this doesn’t mean they are on other “planes”. This was confirmed to my satisfaction, at least.

I don’t have the time or inclination to do this with all of the spirits, but as a quick test, it was useful. And my friend will get some help. Seems like a total win.


The Three Wise Men are next. I’ve already met them. After reaching out to them, I found that I didn’t need to meet with Fastos or Meton unless I had specific questions. Atron wanted to meet. I opened the square and his sigil.

A: “Hello, my Lord. (I nodded, but was surprised he called me this). Take notes.”

A: “You have asked Lady Hel several times about binding certain spirits to may them “pay” for their crimes. She has prevented (intervened) this several times. You’re going about it the wrong way.”

(I got a flash of the spirit I have bound and am putting to “work” so he can “redeem” himself in his own eyes).

A: “Yes, that approach. You were bent on torturing them. Instead, put them to work.”

(I reached out to Hel quickly and felt an approval with this approach).

M: “Thank you for this.”

(I ran a binding ritual by him that is simpler than the last one I used. He gave me his impressions of what needed tweaked. I don’t know if it will work for others and still have to test and tweak it as I use it).

A: “Go as you will. Put them to work.”

I then called upon Lady Hel to verify that she approved and she did. This is important, as she’s one of the Deities I sing to in the mornings. I also call on her when I read about people, especially children, that have passed in traumatic ways. I like to make sure they don’t get “lost” using both Hel and Hecate.

Looks like there’s work to do.

This concludes the initial work through of the Three Wise Men.


Very cool. Meton and Fastos have been mentioned on this forum, but I don’t think anyone has worked with Atron. He doesn’t get the love that the other two do so it’s nice to see an interaction with him.


Next is the Kingdom of Shadows.

I opened Targal’s sigil and projected through. He was wearing all leather, but the environment is dark and I felt like I couldn’t see a lot of the details well enough to describe them.

T: “You’ve come.”

M: " I have. (I noted that he had relevance to the conversation I just had with Atron earlier in the morning)."

T: " It does. But this (using him) isn’t to bind them to your service. But they may explain more about that (binding spirits to service)."

M: “Not all spirits make it into your ‘pit’.” (He seemed a little annoyed or put off that I mentioned that and I don’t know why I even thought about it. Likely due to having worked with psychopomps and recognizing the different avenues that I am aware of (likely a small fraction))

T: “No, but enough do.”

M: “How are these selected?”

(His face stonewalled and I could see he didn’t want to talk about it. When I focused on the opening to the ‘pit’, which looked similar to a firepit sunken into the swampy ground, I could see each was bound, but how and why, I couldn’t glean anything more than each was a personal binding (like a debt, agreement). Who these debts or similar were to, I don’t know and this was confusing, even as it made me more curious)

T: “I think that’s enough.”

I left.


I could see using these two to get additional information about their respective Angels or Demons, but I didn’t see much relevance to anything I was interested. Might be handy to consult before striking out at a particular entity, but I don’t see a need to go down that route right now.

I can see why, in a sense. It almost seems like you either have an affinity (at the moment or in the past) towards his topics or you don’t. Not someone I would call up without reason, unless he were to give me a nudge. The involuntary binding of spirits is a bit of a flashpoint topic, in my opinion, so I can see why it isn’t talked about as much.


Saltanat was next and it was a much more pleasant encounter.

S: “You met my counterpart (Targal).”

M: “I did. You know what I asked?”

S: “I do. But I have an answer (general, for his area only). When they have nowhere else to go and don’t resonate in other areas (places), I bring them here.”

M: "Do you go looking for them? Does someone or something approach you about them?

(I could feel both were right to a degree. More the referral than the looking)

S: “That is more correct (referral). I do look after them. (He conveyed that he didn’t like to leave his space, if he didn’t need to). Was there anything else?”

M: “No, thank you.”

Phalthorn was next and said nothing as I stood before him. Instead, he showed me how to use a technique I’ve been working on in my Pele grimoire to call forth/evoke the dead, given a signature. That seemed to be all he wanted to convey.

He is involved with evoking the dead to visible appearance and speaking with them, so I was a little surprised (and thankful) he showed me how to use this technique in a way I hadn’t fully considered before.

Mestorat was next and his area is generally protecting people from the Dead that would harm them.

M: “You don’t really need my help, but others may. (I saw pictured of remotely helping people here). I would be a good candidate for that.”

That was it.


Ah, Heptomaltor. We already met when I did a working not long after starting this book. He’s a torturer, specifically listed as one who tortures “any soul that disobeys the Sorcerer” and their enemies. There’s a rapist that acts like a spiritual guru of sorts (lesser, obviously). As I opened Heptomaltor’s sigil in the square, he told me to evoke him to my space, instead.

I evoked him first. I then set up my incense holder triangle to evoke the target and called him into it. He came quickly, very quickly, with no resistance. He is weak willed indeed. I’m clearly not his friend.

I called out what actions I wanted him to take a why. I solidified these and then bound him to these. This is what Heptomaltor would enforce. I repeatedly stabbed through him and into the piece of paper with his identifying information on it. I anchored this binding into him with this.

I then clarified exactly what I wanted to happen with Heptomaltor. The target must confess publicly to each instance or be set upon until he does. Heptomaltor upped the agreement and will back off after a confession, only to start back in again until equal pain is caused, without making him a martyr. It was asked of me that he not be made a martyr.

At this point, I called upon Hecate to help heal the victim(s) of this person. Especially since the “spiritual” community isn’t offering them any help at all and making it worse for them. She agreed and I suspect (felt) she will have some additional influence on the next part of the working.

I then called upon Az Jahi and the Druj Nasu (in female form, using my sigil for them). When the victim came forward, the community victim-blamed and swept it under the rug. They enable this target and that doesn’t fly with me.

Az Jahi agreed, but the Druj Nasu didn’t. I was baffled. She indicated it wasn’t just this one target doing this. She wanted to go after more. I agreed and then she agreed and left to go about her task of making the community enablers pay.

I then closed the ritual. It’s been a productive morning and I’ll need to rest a bit before getting back to it.

Edit - this concludes my work through of the Kingdom of Shadows.


This is so wild. I might work with this when I get more comfortable. First, I gotta do my stuff with Hathor.

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Thanks. The spirits can be called without using the book method and I don’t know which is “better”. I would use whatever method works for you, when you get to that point.


Keltar looked like a lumpy, black mass I couldn’t put any real shape to. I gave the “Demon of Slaughter” a target who had shot and killed a baby. I could feel Grand Demon Adakamon in the area, watching the encounter. We didn’t have issues this time.

I’m not in the habit of giving blood to the KoF spirits, but I felt that I should here.

Methsan: You can do this, too, you know.

(I watched as he started a small blackened area inside my target and tied it to their energy, to slowly be fed by themselves, multiplying like cells to grow over time. We’ll see over time, but it’s a low and slow burn.)

Gorka, the Demon Lord of Despair and Betrayal, was faceless with his hood, but wanted a bigger offering than I originally planned on giving. He wanted a larger one after that and this included doing some work for him (unspecified). Adakemon intervened and the target and payment was accepted.

I don’t trust Gorka. If I call on him again, it will be an evocation in my ritual space to…reduce his attitude.

This concludes the Second Kingdom of Night.


The Third Kingdom of Flames is the domain of Enkidorat, the Grand Angel of Ascent.

First up was Pontimas.

P: “You have a lot of work to do.” (I laughed and he chuckled afterwards).

P: “You are working hard and trying to absolve yourself of things done ‘wrong’ in the past. You do realize that some of those were necessary (for you progress properly)?”

(I didn’t answer)

P: “They were. You should worry less about that and more about what’s ahead.”

M: “Do I have negative attachments (of course I do)”

P: “If you’re going to answer yourself, why ask? I will help you with this, with ridding yourself of them.”

The conversation was over.

Unlike most of my encounters, which have been in swamps or rooms, Sakatos met me outside, where he looked to be riding atop a cyclone, just as described. Probably front-loaded, but it doesn’t really matter.

M: “Will you clear the obstacles from my Ascent?”

S: "I will, except those that you must overcome for it.

M: “How often should I call on you for this?”

S: “If you feel blocked, call on me. I will tell you if I will or won’t remove them (or I’ll saying nothing, which is just as telling)”.

With that, he left.

I projected to Ismaelta (Demon Guardian) and came to…something clad entirely in armor. I couldn’t see anything underneath. Not even eyes. He nodded at me. I nodded back. He left.

Alkalon was next - the Spirit of Alchemy. It makes me think of alkaline every time I read it.

A: “I will teach you in your dreams. There is much to work with and much to work on. I accept this challenge.”

I found him upbeat and amusing, but he’d decided the conversation was better held in my dreams, I guess.


So cool!

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Still going. The taking breaks and doing it over the day has helped. You may find the next one of interest.

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