Kingdoms of Flame Banishing

Ashtu malku ta dat arkata
Sastus seckz altamu partu
Iretempal krez ta felta
Vaskalla regent met senturus
Ta sastrus estos melta
Kelta, kelta, kelta hine

how does this banish work?
it influences sound waves or brings forth energy?
energies that cleanse me and around me?

and what this text does exactly how it works and what it’s used for

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Okay, I edited your title because posting the whole thing into it was just ridiculous.

The words of the banishing act as a sort of vibratory blast wave, similar to the way demonic enns work. The vibration clears the area of unwanted energies. However, it does not set up any boundary to prevent those energies from returning, but is used to clear an area of anything that would conflict with that of any ritual you are performing.

Edit: Think if it like energetically vacuuming the room before a friend visits.


If it also cleans me and can I get rid of attachmets?
If not, do you know any vocal banish that cleanses me?

does every word release energy or just hine and the rest of the word loads hine? and can I shout a hine at the end for a better effect?

The whole thing.

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If it also cleans me and can I get rid of attachmets?

I don’t know. My experience with the banishing has only been to clear the environment.

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Thank you very much, you helped me, I will tell you something once, how you helped me, but we will see how it will come out.

For a full cleansing, I recommend doing a limpia. It will remove anything attached to you.

It can be adapted to any higher power you are comfortable with.


what is a cloud that can produce cold or hot, squeeze or push or produce sounds?
because I am attacked with them.

Most entities respond to the banishing (when it’s said with a tone of authority) by immediately moving out of your space. It is vibrational.

However, ime it doesn’t work well for getting rid of attachments.

You have a number of options for losing the attachments. I personally use the ritual for removing attachments from Angelic Protection Magick (by Ben Woodward). It’s simple and very effective on newer attachments.

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Vinasa VEE-NAH-SAH 9 times

how does this banish work?
it influences sound waves or brings forth energy?
energies that cleanse me and around me?
If it also cleans me and can I get rid of attachmets?

Where is the language from - thanks!

Ashtu malku ta dat arkata Sastus seckz altamu partu Iretempal krez ta felta Vaskalla regent met senturus Ta sastrus estos melta Kelta, kelta, kelta hine

Hi @InfernalUnicorn ,what can we do for old attachments?

The dismissal given, viz: “In the Power of the Names Zebaoth, Theos, Yschyres, Messias, Imas, Weghaymnko, Quoheos, Roveym, Christoze, Abay, Xewefaraym and Agla, I command Thee, thou spirit force, to depart forth with from this place, being ever ready, and willing to return at my summoning.” Peace be with you. Amen."

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