King Belial probably still calling me/sending messages

First came in my dream very vividly, now I have this song very subtly stuck in my head from time to time. Does King Belial send messages through music? I haven’t made contact yet.

Any experiences with this?


Most spirits do send messages through music, but King Belial is very much known for liking to communicate using various songs and dreams. If you search the forum about it or simply come across my previous posts, I’ve had numerous experiences wherein he mainly responds through bits and pieces of lyrics. Does not matter what genre or language too: I’ve had him communicate in songs of different languages (K-Pop, J-Pop, OPM etc.) only to Google the translation and there’s his answer to my questions.

Some members even have a playlist dedicated to King Belial already because he easily uses and responds to music. He accepts my offerings to either play him music or sing to him as well. If you ever decide to make contact, you can attempt to do a shufflemancy session with him, backed up with a tarot reading afterwards if you still want further confirmation of his responses.


I felt Belial in my circle for the first time yesterday, like an invitation. Before working with an entity, I will have a conversation with the energy… it’s kinda hard to explain. A communion will take place over a period of time… sometimes days, sometimes years. Almost every entity I have made contact with will communicate with me in the initial stages through music, sometimes in music I’m listening too, other times in poetry or tones that emerge from my mind.


Thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face: makes sense now. I searched and came across a few posts dating back two years but I wanted a more recent experience from some others.

I may plan to have a tarot reading before deciding to contact, just to be on the safer side because many say he is powerful, a rough but good teacher, etc.

May I know if you used the Universal Circle or your own circle when this occurred?


I used my own circle using 9 white candles, so essentially a circle of fire representing the 9 gatekeepers. I was using frankincense and myrrh resin in coals as a medium for entity manifestation… along with a few other tools I generally use in my workings (my grimoire, bell, dagger) although not required… except grimoire, it is important to be able to record messages. His presence came from the north edge of my circle. I know that Koetting recommends using the universal circle with the 9 white candles… I highly recommend his book, Belial Without a Master. I feel that Belial really came forth when I was truly prepared to acknowledge the chains which bind me and at a time I was/am prepared to do the work required to break them. Since initial contact, King Belial has taken every opportunity to speak to me an guide me through dreams appearing as an old man with a staff and clear vision of what binds me in my mundane life. I look forward to working closely with Him.

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A big yes…Music, dreams, telepathy, touch…he likes to use all of this. He is in one aspect …the Lord of the Earth…so he does try to get our attention using the five senses… The playlist thing is done by me. I have shared it with some people in PM. You can develop your own way of communicating with him… All the best​:+1:t2::+1:t2:

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I am sort of a beginner and his reaching out to me is surprising because I have seen others claim he’s not for beginners…but yet he seems to want to help me in my problem. Perhaps I’m an exception? It’s confusing lol

What would you say for a beginner? In my case would you recommended to call him after he is already reaching out to me first? I’m pretty sure a divination reading can bring at least some clarity but may you tell me your brief advice and thoughts?



That happened to me too, he has appeared in my dreams more than once from time to time since I started practicing. I found it confusing as well from the same reasons as yours.

I would ask the same question.


People have differing views about him.But let me tell you that i literally bumped into Belial…at a time when demons for me were the bad guys! But when he connected to me…I felt this strange connection. I honoured it…and its been 2 years together and I have learnt a lot under his able guidance. I am currently working with him on a gnosis…he is revealing and teaching something valuable to me. So go ahead and honor that call from Belial. One thing is for sure…he will help you to become fearless, strong in body and mind and the best version of yourself. He may push your buttons…just don’t give up​:+1:t2::+1:t2:. He is very protective, warm hearted and surprisingly loving and understanding of your challenges and problems but he pushes you to stand for yourself and definitely doesn’t molly coddle​:wink:


Thank you very much for this. Your experience is interesting for sure :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh yes! You are correct. This has been happening to me as well, many dreams and songs in my head. What I have been doing is playing it on my guitar lol. I am still hesitant to invoke Belial, but he has been speaking to me. So I suggest when you feel ready, go for it. I might too!


So strange, ever since we first talked about him, I heard him say his name, and I’ve been hearing his name. It’s happened about four times. I’ll get a message, and then I hear him say Belial.

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I don’t know if you want my reading on this, but I think what I’ve been hearing may just be a confirmation for you?

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Really? And I’m still holding back at least for now but also asking others for advice and experiences so I might know what to expect and if others are receive similar signs. Seems like they are and did, similar to me.

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