King Belial ancient god?

The 68 Jinn btw rrrrr


Well …
From the near east region, any word ending in el or all denotes a godly or lordly status, generally means lord or god.
Bel and Dagon, Bel and Danu, etc … Bel and Dagon in the near east, Bel and Danu in the Celtic land. Odd.


Yeah, but let’s not forget about the characteristics of every spirit. “EL” is common use, that does not necessary mean, that it helps intro tracking an entity history.


Well, for example, ab, ba, abba, all mean father in Hebrew. El means god.
So when people pray to father-god, its likely Baal is being invoked.


Actually you are right. Take a look at this text “It was Belial that had it out with God over Israel when Moses freed the Israelites. Belial warned God about Israel, they needed to be eliminated. He warned God to embrace Egypt and denounce Israel. God revoked all Belial’s warnings and gave Isreal Moses. Moses received the Commandments only to return and find God’s disciples braking all the 10 Commandments. God and Belial (who by the way is Satan’s Father) are at odds over Israel so that reflects throughout history. Belial gave Egypt its power to fight Moses. God murdered all all the first born sons of Egypt. Belial warned God no, do not send Jesus as a Jew, they will Crucify him, Jesus is your only son. Jesus’ crucifix says king of the Jews. Belial warned god the Jews would kill his only son. God says it was a worthy sacrifice. Jesus conversed with Belial, Why Then do Christians fear Belial. The answer is simple he is an out cast from Heaven and Hell. Both Angels and Demons fear Belial because he knows the truth. When Satan appeared to Jesus while on the cross it was Belial that told Jesus to die. Belial wanted Jesus to die. “My father My father why have you forsaken me” That statement created Christianity. That statement denounced Israel, that statement sanctified a whole new religion. Belial, The whole problem with evil. Satan fears Belial. His name in vain stress Fear. When you say Lord you are saying God and/or Satan, not Jesus and/or Belial. When we say father, son and holy ghost. Is it Belial (father). Jesus(son). Holy Ghost(angels and demons).”


In my work whit him, I discovered some of his “legions” so yeah, I made this kind of thing.


Then you can say that I vandalised the Qlipphot, whit my own thing.

  • got other effects.

Can’t stop staring at it wow I’m mesmerized.


Hhahha XD


Got a stalker hahaha


Here is one for you. Kingu. :wink:


Belial as Lillith or Ishtar? Naaah. Belial has connection to Baal which is really a canopy term for male entities and archetypes. The female counter parts where the Ashteroths.


From my own research i can only add that i’ve discovered Him to go beyond our universe and idea of Hell. He comes from before the infernal kingdom and before our whole multiverse was formed.

As from what he told me personally:
“You don’t truly know me by any name for i am the one without form and without a title. I am the very definition of free power and am the lord and master of MANY worlds.”

I have gotten to know him by another title that he owns in a world older than our Multiverse by the name of Nadharkis. In this world He goes by the title of Grand Master Aposton and this is he has a different Sigil there that is totally alien to us:

Here he told me this:
“I am the one without truth or lie. I can turn truth into lies and lies int truths for they are both sides of the same sword. I am the lord of madness and sanity and i can turn one into the other. My face is that of darkness and i can change it into light. There is no truth for it is subjective for the only reality is nonexistence!”

Hope this helps.

Edit: I have not seen him truly related to any earthly known god either though. He only comes as a demon lord of the highest rank from Hell.


Makes sense
After working with Belial, Kingu showed up
asking if I wanted chaos.

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@LordVader there are too possible ones that i know of and that is the akkadian title bel which means lord lil i believe is air or night. The other is the palmryan Malakbel.

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this can be correct
the title “without a master” can be seen as a corruption into that that lord
they just corrupted it.



aslo he resonates a lot with ganesha


This is interesting…because Belial appeared often as a black horse in my dreams trying to protect me from deceptive spirits who were trying to misled me in my dreams.

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I would talk about Belial based on my experiences with him…He is one I am closest to. Belial has several masks and aspects. He can be found in various pantheons as well as appear or connect with you in some of his forms that are not widely known or even known to us as humans. He is much much more than he is given credit. Mostly people evoke and invoke his basic known aspects and that’s understandable. But… Once you get to really know him…and there is a degree of respect and closeness achieved…he will surprise you with his myriad facets…with differing attributes. He is very versatile and interesting.