Kids in danger

I knew this guy since we were kids took care of him we he had no one my family took him in he has always made perverted jokes even as a kid I always just thought he had dark humor or just a dumb guy. But I always saw him like a brother February and he turned everyone against me spreading lies leaving me alone and he did it all just to get my gf making her think I’m a villain so he could get a chance with her .it was rumors going around that he is suspected of some pedo behavior from jokes and him just saying that he likes em young. I got some news from his ex saying how he Is crazy and that he would say very sexual comments about her friend sister who is 13 . She told me before that he was a psychopath but I thought she was being a bitter ex and that no way he was like that.My ex has girls that are in danger he has moved himself into my ex house with full access to those girls and I can’t do anything about and it angers me because I care so much about those girls they are young and innocent and it would kill me if something happened to them because of someone I trusted all these years who turned out to be a psychopath and jealous of my life. I want to curses his ass so he can lose everything like he made me do and to break him up from my ex to get his ass away from the girls I’m not adept in magic so I don’t wanna mess anything up that can end up hurting the girls I could try but please help me help them what is the best route to do I’ve tried a jar 2 weeks ago

Ps I’ve tried mundane efforts but he basically made it that everyone thinks I’m a liar so magick is the best route for now

‘Curses, hexes, & Crossing’ by S connolly. The book is available on kindle. You will find various different curses the best one is the 15 day curse, it completely destroys your target.


Thank you I have that on my list but wasn’t sure