Just someone new

Hello everyone !

After days reading what I could find on this Forum, I finally decided to make an introduction.
My name is Alicia, but I prefer being called Mei through the Internet. I am living in France, so yes English isn’t my first language, I do speak it everyday but I might make a few mistakes.

I started reading about spirituality and all that kind of stuff when I was around 13-14, I needed answers on a lot of things, as I always was a bit different than the other kids of my age and I would feel lost in my life. I had several “surnatural” things happening to me when I was younger, where I would see, hear and sometimes feel things that other people didn’t.

After years of struggling, here I am, 22 years old now. I always knew about magick and demons since the start, but never really got into it until last year, when few… interesting things happened to me. Sleep paralysis for example, or seeing Belial’s name in one of my dream. After that, I started reading A LOT about demons. And then I found this Forum, and I’m really thankful for that.

I am quite new in this domain, but I’m excited to learn more.
Thanks for reading, I hope I’ll be able to learn a lot from all of you ! :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome to our corner of the internet.


Hello there Mei, welcome to the forum. Great to have you here :wave:t5::blush:


Welcome to the forum :blush:

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Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

As far as Belial goes, you will definitely find quite a few threads that revolve around him if you use the search function. The Belial Compendium is a pretty good read that takes the experience of multiple magicians and includes it in several smaller grimoires, which you can find on amazon (especially if you have kindle unlimited). I would also recommend Baal Kadmon’s Belial: A History. No rituals in that one, but it covers how Belial has played a role in the world through texts throughout the centuries.

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Thank you everyone :blush:

Yes, I’ve spent a lot of my time reading what I could find about Belial, or even other demons, making sure to know everything I need, as I want to start working with him, in a close future I hope.
I will definitely take a look at those, sounds really interesting and especially the second one. Thank you again !