Join me - March 1st 2018, Opening The Gates

Definitely in


Just remember that youā€™re the one in charge.


This full moon is another 11 degree moon, the third in a row. It is a gateway moon. So this should be especially potent. I was planning to rock some shit anyway so I may as well incorporate this into my shenanigansā€¦


I really dont have an area outdoors to participate. Just my temple. To do this inside or not :thinking:ā€¦ anyone familiar with this sort of rite have an advice on the actual mechanics of a ritual?


Wow Lady Eva, this is so exciting I could feel electricity in the air!
I am game for this!


iā€™m in


Sure iā€™m up for it.


Iā€™ll join :slightly_smiling_face: We can do this together:black_heart:


Iā€™m in to the fullest extent of my abilities.


Iā€™m with you, with all of you.


I will happily do this ritual. What a wonderful idea!


Like the old saying goes, your body is your temple. You can be outside without going outside. Slip into the void and project yourself wherever you want to be.

As for mechanics, Eva outlines plenty of pointers up there. I will say that the most effective work, in my opinion, is the stuff we come up with on our own, when guided by our own intuition.


ā€œCoincidenceā€ maybe lol! :+1:ā€™

Love it. :sunglasses:

@Nyxifer ramifications could be, opening a portal to murdered wtiches in your home if someone has not mastered spirit contact, and if they canā€™t control energy and portals, it could be overwhelming and/or lead to haunting-like events, outdoors or by a crossroads avoids that potential issue.

If anyone needs some text and buying things is out, which is fair enough, just print some prayers or text from one of the three Abrahamic faiths from the net, they all have PLENTY of material online and available forā€¦ fun. :smiling_imp:

Libraries and sometimes youth centres may allow you to use their printers, free or for a small fee, and itā€™s about the intent, not the quantity.

Donā€™t hurt family or lose memories by destroying anything irreplaceable, a lot of peopleā€™s real divinity and hopes and fears got worked into these practices for both Christian and Muslim people, and the practice of noting births and marriages etc in a Bible in a pagan-like manner is something thatā€™s worthy of respect for the many generations who had nothing else to turn to, and knew of no viable alternatives.


Iā€™m in :smiling_imp:


I am in


I get it. But I havent astral proejected in a while since it hasnā€™t been my focus. I also have never summomed a spirit of the deceased. I can make something up sure, but I learn by listening and learning. Then formulating my own ritual/spells after a little beginner info. Then I get better. Not much of a make up from 0 experience. Any advice?


Summoning the dead actually isnā€™t as hard as people make it to be.

There are different techniques used around the world but there are general themes to take note of.

A glass of water, water is nourishing, water is a medium water hold birth death and rebirth energies. Have a glass of water set on your altar when doing your summoning.

Any memorabilia Knick knacks or things associated with the spirit or spirits youā€™re trying to call. Remember everything has residual energy and this energy surrounding them will seem more familiar to the spirits.

A White pillar candle, fire pierces the veil and white is seen to attract spirits. Hence techniques like the Mesa Blanca that is used in brujerian witchcraft.

Have a little gift, chocolates, flowers, you want the dead to feel welcome and appreciated you want them to feel ** alive ** once again.

A good energetic visualization technique is to visualize your psyche as a lotus, see it opening up and radiating life energy strongly out into the universe.

As the lotus opens up see and feel (remember visualization is not as effective unless followed by tactile sensations, in other words feel the energy) your crown chakra, third eye chakra and heart chakra opening up.

Those three chakras are especially helping in spirit communication, your crown chakra connects you to your higher self and lets you raise your vibrations which will make you attractive to those spirits to draw closer.

Third eye chakra helps your perception of goes entities and strengthens your clair senses

Heart chakra radiates live giving warmth that draws dead spirits like bee to honey.

Once the lotus is fully open and those chakras are activated youā€™ve effectively created a beacon of sorts that draws the spirits of the dead to you.

At this point you can choose to continue with your summoning incantation, call to whoever and whatever spirits youā€™re trying to call to. If you donā€™t have specific spirits in mind, just call the dead to you by whatever means you want.

An option is to have a psychopomp spirit help you, psychopomps are spirits who travel between the realms of the living and the dead and who are associate with helping soiritsbin the after life. There are many just pick one thatā€™s comfortable for you, Baron Samedi, Ereshkigal, Anubis, Hermes, Adonis, Bune, Hel, Az Jahi.

The list goes on, the spirit can help guide the dead to you.

I know thatā€™s a mash up of different things but once you get the basic outline: Water, Fire, helps to act as a way to thin the veil, an altered state of mind achieved through prior energy work that I mentioned will help you communicate with these spirits, the color white draws them as well.


@serpens_album hope I helped, just take that pile of information and put it in a format comfortable for you and experiment and add and remove things based off your intuition


I like it but as long as its not anti western and I would like to see pro western paganism gain more power, such as the nordic resistance movement


PS I want to do it next month , I am no imposing on anyone I just like to follow the moon Phase and do fire for example under a fire sign moon

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