Jesus AMA

Dragons are primal sources of power, rage, and instinct. What does a skeleton mean to you?

That, my friend, is about as plausible of a name as “The devil”. This whole name assumes that there is some kind of mass discrepancy. There isn’t. It’s more of a nickname at this point.

But to answer your question, it’s commonly associated with Lucifer and Satan.

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how do you help a person to ascend? in what areas do you specialize that could help benefit the magician?


I read somewhere that YHWH is like an egregore? that was created by formed energies of parasites which eventually turned into this one source of leeching energy and stuff like that…idk


What are differences of Black flame of Lucifer and the heavenly flame?

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Are you actually anyone’s savior? What do you think of the many religions that worship you as such?

What would the best method be to successfully achieve astral projection in your opinion?

What do you think of people who kill in your name? What do you think of people who are opressors in your behalf? How can we fight those people and the catholic church who still make politics using your name?

What is your opinion about Divine will and Self-deification?

I’m rather general, despite being known for healing. It’s all about your draw to me. If you feel like learning from me sounds fun, try it. Most teachings are rather general, attuned to the specific person.

No. Many parasites can and will pose as him but you are on a site that openly promotes hatred of YHWH, so it can be confused.

All human concepts.

I suppose I saved many lives in my time, so yes. I think they often are innocent in terms of their more common practitioners, but in terms of higher dogmatic structures, that’s a big NO. I generally don’t affiliate myself with that as such

So Max-jesus, why do you teach the exact same “everything’s cool, be nice to each other, don’t believe in anything tho’ lol” stuff as the Church of England, which is seeing attendence drop each week and rapidly losing any kind of relevance to modern society, while Islam is storming ahead?


does he have any message for me

What is your opinion about concept of “THE MOST HIGH”?

Don’t use my name. For the love of god, do NOT use my name.

Thank you.

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Do what you think lines up with you, I personally think playing god isn’t all that uncommon and shouldn’t exactly be frowned upon. Maybe I don’t like some of the wordings, for instance, the idea of gods irks me. Powerful people are just powerful people.

NO, and honestly thats such a general question. It shows you don’t know what oyu’re looking for.

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