Japanese gods and other cultural egregores

What by “these” you mean e.g. the Celtic gods? They weren’t thought up also?

The majority of them were not. Again, people have this idea that the ancients were bumbling idiots who didn’t know anything when in fact they were much more advanced than we are now spiritually.

It’s more in the lines that they took forms identifiable by man, and with that being said, time has no meaning for them, so what they became is what they’d always had been.


Thank you!

They were us, but back then - just without Thor’s gift.

Most of us would die without hours or days if we were to be shot back into their world…


I’ve never worked with their gods ( bar hachiman) though I really like the variety in their mythology, spirit wise that is. It’s made for some interesting work.


I just connected with a Japanese goddess (yesterday.) She asked me not to identify which one though for the sake our personal work, but I will tell you this… SHE IS CRAZY POWERFUL and apparently has been watching over me my whole life.

I also want to add that despite how powerful she is surpassing (well, you wouldn’t believe me) she is incredilbely kind and caring. It’s no wonder why Japan has developed into such a harmonus country.

It seems that these Japanese gods and goddesses in particular have the abilities of both demons and angelics with none of their weaknesses. They also, instead of being variations of other deities have very unique abilities. I plan to go through the whole pantheon from here. I’m impressed.

I’ll let everyone know how it plays out.


Fuckin’ ay!!

How did you do it? Did you use a sigil or painting of the god in question? Did you evoke or invoke?

Could be, that seems to be how other deminsional ‘fictional’ worlds are created.

What my buddy tells me is that there are new worlds and old worlds. Harry Potter is a new world, when consciousness hits it, the past and future start filling out.

However there are old worlds too. I am told the Hellblazer TV is extremely old, as is ours.

I’m also told that Dragon Ball is amoung the oldest too, and that Shenlong is so powerful that if you anger him enough he can come here and mess you up lol

This is stuff I’m just getting into myself, but now this whole Goddess thing just came and showed up, so I’m going to be doing a lot of stuff with the Japanese pantheon apparently. I’ll keep everyone updated on both.

Exciting times we’re living in… the cusp of magickal rediscovery.


No. I was told that it was time that she reveal herself to me so she did as I’ve just finished some milestones in my life.

Il’ll be doing some rituals and meditations in the next few days as so far it’s just been initial contact and ritual instructions, an invocation I’m supposed to do.


Is there a bad thing for being this “slave”? I think as long as I get money, it doesn’t matter.

You’ll get nothing.

but again, I am not speaking for all of them. Someone just revealed themselves to me, and she is incredible.

This is what I mean. You said they got paid?

I wouldn’t call the Native American gods “primitive”.

@FraterMagni You have.

Most gods are older and stronger than most demons. This forum is primarily focused on that class of entity, however, they’re really just like any other form of astral wildlife, if you are scaling up from “critters” and the like. This is not discussing the possibility of one such “animal” becoming a god, though, as most spirits seek to do.

I haven’t worked with all Saints, but the ones I have such as Anthony and Francis never demanded absolute devotion from me. Rather, they were readily willing to help and leave without even as much as payment. Anthony’s as quick as a railroad but Expedite is akin to a bullet train. I theorize that with Saints it depends on your approach, I didn’t beg but I did summon them and ask them to assist me because I could not (_____).

Honest requests tend to be met by honest answers, if the spirit isn’t against that kind of thing.

Everything is “thought up”, @Zenifon. It depends on whom is doing the thinking.


Okay. I am having some serious breakthroughs right now. Right now all I can say is this is the real deal.


Am glad to have played a part in that.

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Yay for Pele!

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Yeah, the kami can be pretty fucking incredible

Well… She’s been looking out for me my whole life apparently lol


Yes I do regularly