Itchy eyes while meditating?

I’ve been trying to meditate in different areas looking at certain spots trying to see static vision, but the result is the same: watery, itchy eyes:

  1. In my kitchen looking at the line where the roof and the wall meet in the living room.
  2. In my room looking at the opposite corner in the wall where the walls meet.
  3. In front of the bathroom staring into the room.

I’ve done all these at night, in low light and no light, and the result is the same:

I get itchy eyes like I’m about to cry and can’t keep the meditation going. I’m trying to see static and build up to seeing a line, then seeing shapes in the static but I can’t get past this itchiness. I’m not trying to force anything or push at all. No matter how relaxed I am and try to tone down the itchiness, I can’t progress farther than a few seconds without my vision going back from the grayscale to normal vision. What do I do? How do I make the itchiness stop?

Do you blink?

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It makes me blink. I try to work through it but that feeling of wanting to blink and rub my eyes is too strong and it takes my vision out of it. I don’t know what to do.

Edit: Actually I made progress. I just tried the bathroom one again and while I held it for several seconds, I didn’t get that itchiness this time! Odd, I didn’t do anything different, from what I recall. I didn’t blink or cry or get itchy this time. I don’t get why but I guess this is a sign? I saw gray, but not static vision, unless that was it? I’m not sure.

Blink. Nowhere is it written that you aren’t supposed to blink. You’re supposed to lightly gaze, not stare wide eyed.

You know how, when looking out a window at night, the light behind you throws your reflection upon the window? It’s blurry because you are gazing into the distance so the kind of gaze you want is the same as when you pull your vision back to look at your reflection in the window.

Still didn’t see any lines or shapes like I wanted. Guess that takes time.

The gaze is only part of it. As EA describes it, you have to hold the gaze and focus your awareness on your breath until you experience a sensation akin to falling.