Issues with Jehovah

If you blaspheme Christianity it is quite obvious God will attack you

There is a hole niche porn dedicated to blasphemy. Doesn’t look like those guys and gals are being attacked (sorry, some of the models are hot masochits, I have to watch)

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Yeah deprogramming is hard… but I’ve done it I think. I did lose my community and everything I knew really but I’ve found life outside even if it still feels like an alien planet years on and I have my struggles.

I just personally wouldn’t put yourself under pressure to blaspheme - is it necessary? If so, why?

I don’t view the concept of God the same anymore so for me… I guess I would feel I was blaspheming against a fictitious character rather than anything meaningful… or useful for my growth spiritually

On the other hand - I had many unexplainable spiritual experiences during my time in Christianity so I do feel I interacted with “something” and have come to view that as perhaps the same that I interact with now - maybe my own subconscious, maybe something more. I also had “deliverance” and my third eye closed at one time by a pastor and I remember feeling awful for months after and very angry not even knowing what my third eye was… but knowing something was missing from myself. I can sometimes feel it I guess now in meditation so I would recommend doing meditation to open chakras and third eye etc. I still can’t astral project and often do actually wonder if that’s why but I’m confident one day I’ll find the ability and strengthen my spiritual muscles enough. I’m sure you will. I found esoteric Christianity and Neville Goddards teachings quite useful during my deprogramming as a way of adjusting my beliefs without having to give up all the language I knew if that makes any sense?

All the best with your journey

How do you know he’s suffering from post culture abuse and not one on one interaction with the entity?

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because he is Jehovas Witness and thats a cult, Jehova is not a bad god, he might be tough, and in the bible times he was very strict, but they were different times, hes not a bad god imo, but hey, i am not too sure about jehovah right now either

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I don’t understand why right handers feel the constant need to pick fights with entities they don’t need to be in. I’ve had people regurgitate rhetoic about soul salvation and how Christ cleanses when honestly, it’s just them needing to drown out the desire to awaken.

This is Gold! And exactly! Lucifer! Now there is a guy who can fucking get shit done!


I used to be a witness. I was baptized and served as a ministerial servant. I hated it growing up and when my adult life seemed to be on the wrong track I gave into the only thing I had ever been taught, thinking that it was what I needed to do. I needed those people, my family to support me and they did. But I came to realize that I could never quite measure up to the strict standards. I never felt good enough. I felt like a hypocrite trying to preach to others. One day I said, “Fuck it, I’m out.” I was disfellowshipped. Since then I tried other Christian religions and found some things that I thought made sense but in the end I came to the conclusion that it was all bullshit. If Jehovah God is indeed all powerful, the one true god, merciful, loving, blah blah blah, why in the hell hasn’t he stepped in? The world is a pretty shitty place when you look at the bad that occurs everywhere. Hell, even when you look at the good it’s all done for selfish reasons. We don’t do good things because it’s right, we do them because it makes us feel good inside. Dopamine and other feel good hormones. It’s physiology. JW’s teach that God hasn’t done anything because he’s waiting for his appointed time. For what? To prove a point? To show us that we can’t do life without him because we will fail every time? Their teachings are so profound in that they cover all their bases. They know they have to answer every question you may have with fear. Fear that in the end you will be destroyed, have no hope. Why do you think they meet so often? Have meetings to specifically teach what to say when approached with any question. You’re not allowed to think for yourself. They do that for you. It took me years to realize that and even still I catch myself using reason bases on their lies. If you truly want to distance yourself and take a different path you can’t half ass it. Their grip is too strong. You have to know leaving is what you truly want. Jehovah isn’t going to punish you because you chose a different path. JW’s would like for you to think that but it isn’t true. Of all the things that have gone down in history, all the horrors that people have endured with no answer from God, you can’t reasonably think that YOU are so special that God would torment you because you left one organization that proclaimed to be the only true religion. What I had to do was come to the conclusion that everything was a lie. All religion is a lie. You don’t need it. Why would you? If you believe in God or Gods or demons or whatever, you have to understand that they exist outside of religion. Religion is man made propaganda to keep the masses in check. There is no need to blaspheme Jehovah. If you feel that it will help then do so only if you have no fear of retaliation. I’ve cursed God more times than I’ve ever prayed by now and I’m still kicking it. Don’t let fear hold you back, it can be crippling.

You mentioned trying to distance yourself from the organization. Do you mean you’ve just stopped going to meetings? As long as they see hope for you, you will never be out of their reach. They will on occasion stop by to talk, or give you a call, and it will seemingly be when you are at your most vulnerable. If you have disassociated yourself or become disfellowshipped then your connection with Jehovah is already severed and the only thing you need to do is begin to realize that there are many truths out there. Truth is relative to everything, your knowledge, your fears, your weaknesses, your environment. Truth is seen when and where it needs to be seen within our minds. We don’t need people telling us what truth is. Find it for yourself. Your truth will likely look different than most and that’s ok. But you will have to start with a clean slate and forget everything you’ve been taught thus far. Investigate, study, read, talk to others, start to put together a new foundation to base YOUR beliefs on.

Lastly, you stated that you were worried that renouncing your faith would be social suicide. One, if your social community is made up of mostly witnesses you will have a very difficult time ever getting out completely. I don’t recommend trying to keep one foot in while exploring different paths, especially since this is the site you decided to reach out to. JW’s teach that you can’t serve two masters. It’s either God or Satan. No in between. No shades of grey. If they discover that you are researching into magick, demonology, RHP, LHP, makes no difference, they will at first try to save you with private or possibly public reproof, which is embarrassing. It’s just another tactic to scare you back in their direction. Or they will outright disfellowship you and immediately you are an outcast with no chance to say goodbyes to anyone you may care about.

Second, why do you think they give such great caution to having a relationship with anyone outside their organization? They will not have a discussion with someone who has left and found something new. They clam up and turn away. They are taught to do that so they aren’t exposed to new ways of thinking. You know the scripture they so proudly proclaim, “bad associations spoil useful habits,” yeah well it works in reverse too. If you truly want out you have to distance yourself. Otherwise those people, your friends included, will continue to influence your thoughts and actions. To begin with it will seem impossible to walk away. If it’s truly what you want then stay strong. If you are planning to work with other entities do some research and find one that you are drawn to and ask for their help. If you feel that it didn’t work, try again, and keep trying over and over. Eventually they will see your worth and answer.

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I feel like @anon10524665 would be better to answering this since she has worked with Yahweh/Jehovah and doesn’t hold that cliche dark magician bandwagon hate for him lol.

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Ok, first off:
If you renounce your faith (openly or secretly) and you get attacked by a spirit afterwards, it is not YHWH/Jehovah. It is either your own doubt and fear, or a parasite that attached itself to you because of said fear. JHWH is a god, a great entity does has no need of obsessing about people who don’t want to work with them anymore.
Your life will not “go shit” just because you don’t have the support of JHWH, you can get support from many other sources if you wish.

You ask about the development of your senses/third eye.
Considering all I know about the Jehovah’s witnesses, I think there is little to no relation to the actual entity JHWH.
So there is a strong possibility that you do have a blockade, because of the indoctrination you experienced.
There are many possibilities to get rid of that, and if renouncing your faith in a secret ritual helps, do that.

I do understand your desire not to openly renounce your faith due to social status and relationships that may be important to you.
Unlike what most people who grew up in the western society believe, I don’t think going public about everything you do is always the best choice. It is your decision alone, and I think you know best.

Anyway, the quintessence of this is, JHWH is not going to chase and attack you, he does not need that.
If you do feel like you a being attacked afterwards, banish. An entity that feeds of your energy (fear/doubt/…) without your consent can be easily banished by you, so there’s really no need to fear.

Good luck to you.