Is Working with archangels and demons conflicting?

So if you saw my other thread I need to heal someone and as new as I am to practicing magick a simple spell won’t work. It’s a life threatening problem and I need strong fast results.

A lot of people keep mentioning Raphael or Marbas and the more I learn about Angels the more I learn that they’re not as bad as a lot of the hardcore LHP people say.

I’m just curious if some angels have a problem with people who work with demons or other spirits for more selfish reasons ? I know everyone’s different but I’m more indifferent. I have both dark and light in me. Sometimes I’m self centered but the few I care about I protect so I’m not completely self centered.

So what’s the scoop ? Angels won’t strike me down and fuck with me if I ask for help if I work with demons will they ? What do angels normally ask for in return ?

Also heard having both Marbas and Raphael work together at the same time is very effective so I’m thinking about evoking them both.


I work with Archangel Michael and King Lucifer although more closely with Lucifer but still.

It’s no problem at all. Infact I have a recent discovery that I’m trying to sort out which last night I spoke to Lucifer about it which he also pointed me in the direction of angels so a few hours ago I spoke to Michael for his second opinion.

I’ll be posting about all of that shortly.

Edit: Made the post that I mentioned. It might help you out.


No one said they’re bad, just some of us don’t…click with them well. I was advised in a dream back when I was at the very beginning to work with both of them, yet I ignored it exactly because I don’t click with Angels, not yet at least.
And no, they won’t fuck you up, but try not to summon 2 enemies in the same room at the same time. As we don’t like everyone, same goes for them.


I will say it from the other side because I mostly work with angels- working with both don’t cause conflict, I use to evoke some demons and didn’t receive any negative from angels because of that, demons also - I have not encountered any unpleasantness on their part, but also my work with them have no effect so far, not counting Bune, he did good job.

This would depend completely on how skillfully you go about it.

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I work with both regularly with no issues.

And Raphael and Marbas work very well together in healing.


I’d like to think of angels and demons as a huge extended family.

When you think of family, you know that some brothers and sisters will get along like two peas in a pod while others will tear each other’s hair out if they get the chance.

They are also families who will acknowledge each other and be polite but will go no further than that.

They have emotions just like us and some simply don’t like working together over and issue while others will happily work together like Marbas and Raphael.

It just depends on the spirits and their feelings towards the other.

Hopefully that makes sense.

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It’s not conflicting; lots of people work with both with no consequences. Demons and angels get along fine. In fact, Archangel Michael and Lucifer are good friends.

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They also co-exist together. Kingdom of Flames has angels, spirits, and demons within the kingdom.

@Lamb-of-Hell-666 I made that discovery recently, about demons and angels working together. I was doing a book search on demons via Amazon, and one of the books was called The Magick of Angels and Demons.


I really like the Archer book on working with Angels and Demons together. Good vibes reading it and trying it out. Seems helpful. Of course it is hard to quantify exactly what good stuff happened specifically from the magick and what might have happened anyway.

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